6-0 in CL
7-0 in League
Hard game tonight in CUP but I guess and I hope I will qualify in the next round!
6-0 in CL
7-0 in League
Hard game tonight in CUP but I guess and I hope I will qualify in the next round!
Hey everybody,
What have you learned from last season?
Never underestimate other teams.
Train, train, train.
Where did you place last season?
Won the League, knocked out in CL in Quarter Finals and in early in the Cup (round on 16th).
Are you participating in the Association's Cup?
What are your achievements in your Association?
Promoted to Gold Division 2. I'd like to promote to Gold Division 1.
What's your current level?
What's your budget for this season?
I'll see during the season.
Who do you want to replace?
DC, DR and a ST
What are your goals for this season?
Win the League, finals in CL and the Cup
What's your training level?
Which will be your main formation?
4 2 3 1
The season started quite nice: 4 Wins and 1 Loss (in CL).
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
So what's with the pre arranged results where you get logged out a few minutes to end of match and when you finally login you lost to a last minute goal.
Funnily my stadium still has last seasons capacity even though I did an upgrade.
Yeah, the maximum attendance for Level 10 is 86.5k, so your stadium will never get filled, but if you hit the 86.5k then you'll get the 5% match bonus. At Level 9 it would have been 69k so your actual maximum attendance has gone up with the Level.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
Нещото което научих е че трябва да гледаш как са оценките на играчите по време на мач и спрямо тях да нагласил системата която ще противодейства на противника ( много хора си мислят че щом включат на хард атака и ще смачкат всеки , но тогава са най лесни за разгром ) Труго важно е как си тренираш играчите .
За този сезон имам 375 токена , $460м но още не съм довършил стадиона , иначе нищо няма да взимам играчите са ми млади и са на над 110% възрастта им е 22,1 ще взимам догодина
Спечелих лигата , шампионската лига , я купата съм 3ти за този сезон ще гоня требъл , иначе от сезон на сезон се представям все по-добре . В момента съм 18 ниво тренировките са ми на макс отбора ми е Sons of Anarchy за жалост не мога да направя снимка на
С асоциацията отпаднах в голд 1
Last edited by simeon__filipov; 10-19-2018 at 11:49 AM.