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Thread: The dictatorship of a captain in an asso group

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Lito Delcid View Post
    At least anyone of ya'll belonged to an asociation in which the dictator(and the rest of the members) connected to the game once a year, had a bad quality, and finished every Asociations Tournament as 4th! Now i am in a group in which all the members behave as responsible managers

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    Not that bad.

    Worst I've encountered is a captain that always would take a double or triple bonus for themselves. Additionally the captain frequently kicked managers out, sometimes for illogical reasons. Such as replacing a manager that has 32% training bonuses w/ a manager that has 4% training bonuses.

    I didn't understand the logic, so just left.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 10-17-2018 at 07:31 AM.
    Level 40 Manager

  2. #12
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    no, it's not only for this challenge.
    For example Khris is the dictator of our group .
    We live in fear and a chronic worry for years now



  3. #13
    Pro Nebu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    Members are free to come and leave anytime so dictatorship is a big word I guess.

    Captain is also a title to small, in reality you are more then just a captain, you are also the owner of the Association so you should have a full control.

    The only issue is when captain is stop playing, in this case there should be demoting system even for the captain, if he is inactive for X period of time, then he should go as vice-captain and vice-captain to get promoted as captain, if both are inactive, then 3rd one, probably the person who contribute the most to go as captain and then so on.
    This is a very good idea.
    Lito Delcid likes this.
    The Nebuchadnezzar exploring T11

  4. #14
    Pro Nebu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post



    Lol... the "dictator" himself shows up with a sound track...
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    The Nebuchadnezzar exploring T11

  5. #15
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Khris, I thought you were a good guy

    Imagine what could happen on some top asso. I want half of the cut or you out lol.
    Assos should be for fun, do this people put on their CV that they captain an association on TE lol.
    khris likes this.

  6. #16
    Rookie Blast's Avatar
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    What a load of twaddle!
    "Captain is dictator" if this was so no one would join him.
    You have the freedom of choice: Whether to be in his Association or not.
    You are not enslaved, intimidated or pressured to stay in an Association.
    You are free to choose which association to belong to...if they will have you.

    Should your association become top it will be due to all the members combined not one person.
    Should a captain then risk it all by kicking the very managers that got him there then he would be an idiot and any managers who stay with him have only themselves to blame.

    This does mesh with the present issue of associations in top 10 who have never played a match....which can only be because they have bought the association. This is against the rules, against the spirit of the game and should be stamped out by voiding the accounts of the perpetrators.

    Last edited by Blast; 10-19-2018 at 11:56 AM.

  7. #17
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    It's not so funny as the title sounds.
    I guess nik wrote that for emphasis.
    I have a friend who played for almost two seasons in a group and then, when they promoted to platinum, he found himself at Sunday morning, out of the group.
    He played well, earning points, being present in almost all the games.
    The captain fired him without warning and put another team in his place.
    Probably a friend of him.
    nikolgiorgos likes this.

  8. #18
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    In one thing I will be agree here, and is that Vice's places should keep their place for sure till monday and the rank should be kept all weekend.

    This would ensure that if you play for a asso, winning points, and so, you are not sacked on Sunday to add another team.

    We know pretty well that the tokens are added on Monsay for those who are "inside the asso"..... now is a matter of confidance and trust the captain really, I understand that many assos are just made full of people that never played together, or never had any contact before...

  9. #19
    Rookie Blast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    In one thing I will be agree here, and is that Vice's places should keep their place for sure till monday and the rank should be kept all weekend.

    This would ensure that if you play for a asso, winning points, and so, you are not sacked on Sunday to add another team.

    We know pretty well that the tokens are added on Monsay for those who are "inside the asso"..... now is a matter of confidance and trust the captain really, I understand that many assos are just made full of people that never played together, or never had any contact before...
    To a certain point I agree, however the world is not fair and life is not fair.
    But to tweek the suggestion a bit, why not implement the current policy used in this association tournament?
    Once a manager has taken part in an association match, he cant be sacked/kicked till new season starts. That way any contribution he has made will be credited to him.
    Any new manager joining can not benefit from previous season. (especially if just promoted)

    To help matters why aren't Associations starting on ZERO points each season? Then like any league you get points for wins and draws, possible bonus for winning...that way at end of season top ten assocs go up bottom ten assocs go down. League tables would be accurate and 'shoe horning' a mate in just as you get some decent points, would be mitigated.

    Last edited by Blast; 10-19-2018 at 12:59 PM.
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  10. #20
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    It's Sunday morning, with the new season, not Monday.
    I agree that if the prize, the tokens, can be added rights after the results - the fireworks, the captain wouldn't have a motive to fire a good member.
    khris and nikolgiorgos like this.

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