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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Announcement] Upcoming Changes to FA Matchmaking

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Very simple , tank whole week and season and on FA match day I put up your A team
    Still the same nothing has changed
    The weak teams ll stay in top 100 forever now
    Last edited by stra; 11-22-2018 at 07:36 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    So Nothing is changed the look to the average quality of the team over a period...

    Well so the Tankers (Who are the main problem here) get there way and get easy opponents because they try to lose all games anyway and have always during the week low quality....

    Why oo Why Nordeus are you rewarding the tankers ?????

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SausyFC View Post
    From this upcoming tournament, matchmaking will take into account your team’s quality over the course of a period. This means that how your quality looks in all competitions (League, CL/SL, Cup and FA) will affect your draw.
    Quote Originally Posted by SausyFC View Post
    How quality is calculated in all competitions is not changing.
    I’m a bit confused here. Is the average calculated by taking the best 14 players of the team, or by the players that play in the competitions mentioned? So if you have 11 strong players, but they don’t play during the week and you play with a very weak team (this is called tanking), does this affect the association draw?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    It won't affect FA draw at all !

    It's just the matchmaking between the teams wich will change .

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    You have still left 1 loop hole that is currently being used by a lot of managers.
    Managers are fielding weaker teams in champs, cup & league games. This will bring their average skill quality down, then once draw is made buying additional players and fielding their other strong players.
    I have seen association quality go from 60% to above 150% in the space of a few hours. Once association is finished they then sell the new players they have brought. This is all because of the much better prizes in the association than the other tornaments.
    In Associations you should have to name your squad prior to the draw and your skill level should be based on your best 11 players.
    maloukees likes this.

  6. #26
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cruffin View Post
    You have still left 1 loop hole that is currently being used by a lot of managers.
    Managers are fielding weaker teams in champs, cup & league games. This will bring their average skill quality down, then once draw is made buying additional players and fielding their other strong players.
    I have seen association quality go from 60% to above 150% in the space of a few hours. Once association is finished they then sell the new players they have brought. This is all because of the much better prizes in the association than the other tornaments.
    In Associations you should have to name your squad prior to the draw and your skill level should be based on your best 11 players.
    Tankers didn't tank during cup and cl/sl matches so that % will now count, this fix aim the Assos that buy players after the draws to get easy oppos

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  7. #27
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    My opinion is that nordeus must stop playing "Police and Thieves" with the asso tricksters.
    Why ?
    Because thieves are smarter than policemen. They just cannot escape/hide for a long time

    And why the tricksters are smarter than the devs ?
    Because they are hardcore players of the game.
    Like Lewis Hamilton - he knows better the abilities, the behavior, the potential of a race car than the mechanics and engineers who built it.

    A classic trick some of the top100/platinum groups are doing , is to add in the group 1-2 very low q teams so to drop the avg.
    Then they buy 5* players for the asso games and sell them afterwards.
    Here an example
    [Announcement] Upcoming Changes to FA Matchmaking-selling-1-star-team.jpg

    With this adjustment the game might reads the q of the weak team during the weekend but the group can use another fake 1* team for the next weekend.
    Doing something like rotation.
    So finally the mechanics can "read" a higher quality of this member, only for 2 of the14 days.

    I have read some suggestions, saying to stop the auctions or negotiations during the weekend.
    But this is silly, regular players (the 99,99%) loosing features of the game because of the 0,1%.
    Some suggestions might help, for example the asso group should stay the same for whole the season (like in the asso contest we had).
    But I believe that the only solution is to remove the top100 list
    platinum and Gold 1 to be one, with max 50 tokens prize
    and to give some tokens as prize for 1-3 places of the League.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 11-22-2018 at 03:40 PM.
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  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by IImaestroII View Post
    Tankers didn't tank during cup and cl/sl matches so that % will now count, this fix aim the Assos that buy players after the draws to get easy oppos
    Many FA group as the 1 st in the top100 tank during cup and sl/cl
    maloukees likes this.

  9. #29
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    platinum and Gold 1 to be one, with max 50 tokens prize
    and to give some tokens as prize for 1-3 places of the League.
    I have proposed this many times, but Nordeus do not want stop manipulators (or tankers), they like to make some updates which do not change anything.
    Last edited by po_zdrach; 11-22-2018 at 02:37 PM.
    maloukees likes this.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SausyFC View Post
    This change is only concerning FA tournament matchmaking every weekend and results/achievements in other competitions are not factored in. A club's quality across competitions is what is being looked at.
    If this can be done to affect the association draws - why not league, cup and champions too? Stop manipulation!
    If a clubs quality going into every competitive game is noted for the course of a season, a running total kept, and at the end of the season that total divided by the number of matches a club has played, the result is an average quality for the season. This should then be used to make the draws for the following season.

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