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Thread: Can someone from Nordeus help me understand?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Can someone from Nordeus help me understand?

    Hi everyone,

    I have never done this before but today I am trying to turn directly to someone from Nordeus, like Saucy or the other moderators who seem to be fair and understandable. I want to show you my upcomming champions league QF. I regularly work on my team, exchange players, train, and my team has around 115 percent quality. Now the game put me against an opponent 70 percent higher, and to make matters even worse, who is one level above me. Please see attachment.

    Can you please explain to me, what logic is behind such incredible, ridiculous draw? Can you give me any advice why you put me against a team which is entirely impossible to beat? Why should I retain any piece of motivation to keep working on my team when you destroy all my effort just by eliminating me from the competition by such heavy tanker? Why do you guys tolerate managers who are last in the league, intentionally loses all the league matches to stay at the current level and destroying all their opponents in cups and CLs? And if - for some reason - do tolerate them, why dont you make them playing against each other instead of drawing them against the regular managers and killing their entire joy? Why do you prefer such players over fair managers who want to play the game, enjoy it, have fun, and win through tactical preparation and training? And can you tell me, why the hell needs this 187percent guy to be helped and pushed by putting him against lower level opponents? Do you think 164percent team is not strong enough so he needs to be given another 20 percent?

    And most importantly, would you please try to show me any reason, how I could enjoy a game which creates such unbelievable situations?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Can someone from Nordeus help me understand?-screenshot_20181128-075638_top-eleven.jpg  
    maloukees, jcohen42, lespa and 1 others like this.

  2. #2
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    After I read this thread, for me there is only one question and it is for you Santa1212. Do you really expect satisfying answer?
    Aku Papua, jcohen42 and Iridensys like this.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    After I read this thread, for me there is only one question and it is for you Santa1212. Do you really expect satisfying answer?
    Honestly, po_zdrach, yes, I do. Maybe I am naive, but this feature/behavior of the game is so badly understandable to me, that I think I must be missing something.

    One tanker like this in the CL/Cup season fixture destroys the experience and joy of tens other managers, because each of them knows from the very beginning that he has no chance to go through. And the only question is if you are lucky enough to meet him at the later stages of if you have a bad luck and quit your season soon. So one happy tanker makes up to 128 (or how many) other managers annoyed.

    What logic does it make? I am not sure if this tanker purchases incredible amount of tokens because if he did, he would not have to tank so heavily. But even if he did, even if he did pay to Nordeus some money, would that be really enough to overweigh those 127 frustrated managers?

    So yes, I expect an answer because I really, really, really dont understand it at all.
    maloukees and lespa like this.

  4. #4
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    Stop blaming the players/users of this game!
    The only one to blame is Nordeus and if the majority of the users will understand this,maybe then Nordeus will do something about this mess.
    But as long as you blame me,i blame you(for example)Nordeus will also blame the users for "abusing" the system and they will do nothing about it.
    Ps Of course they want tankers,like this they push you,me or someone else to buy tokens/boosters to be competitive.
    Ποσιδονας and lespa like this.

    A.C. MILAN LEGENDS-Team Showcase
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  5. #5
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    He is possibly a player who is pissed off with losing to 35% inferior team whose manager does not even bother attending the matches. There are so many ways to get frustrated with this game. But I honestly think that something is wrong with your statement: if this player is a level above you, that means that at the beginning of the season, his team was at your level or even weaker. So tanking has nothing to do with it: he just made a major investment to get a team as strong as this.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by madflo19 View Post
    Stop blaming the players/users of this game!
    The only one to blame is Nordeus and if the majority of the users will understand this,maybe then Nordeus will do something about this mess.
    But as long as you blame me,i blame you(for example)Nordeus will also blame the users for "abusing" the system and they will do nothing about it.
    Ps Of course they want tankers,like this they push you,me or someone else to buy tokens/boosters to be competitive.
    Yes, we are on the same ground. The truth is I dont understand tankers, because they are not playing football, they are playing some kind of other game like "who finds the most efficient way to exploit the weaknesses", and it does have nothing in common with football, but I dont blame them. If you read my post, you dont see any kind of question like "why the hell you guys tank". What Im asking is "why the hell am I supposed to have my playing experience ruined by facing 184% opponets in my fixture".

    And regarding the point you are adressing (Nordeus tolerates them because they challenge the other managers) - no, I dont see any logic there. This 184% guy does not challenge anyone because everyone sees at first sight that no matter what you do with your team, you will never eliminate him. Once I have spotted him in my fixture, I quit transferring players and looking for improvement - because the season cannot be succesful anyway.
    maloukees, lespa and efc123 like this.

  7. #7
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    This is because of the top100 asso and platinum.
    I 'm also tanking but don't have that quality

    I hope that they would make asso with national teams instead of officials.
    That would fix all the problems.

    btw, what lv are you ?
    maloukees likes this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gizzmo View Post
    He is possibly a player who is pissed off with losing to 35% inferior team whose manager does not even bother attending the matches. There are so many ways to get frustrated with this game. But I honestly think that something is wrong with your statement: if this player is a level above you, that means that at the beginning of the season, his team was at your level or even weaker. So tanking has nothing to do with it: he just made a major investment to get a team as strong as this.
    Yes, gizzmo, I see your point. The truth is I have no idea how he has improved his team since the beginning of the season, and I have no ambition to investigate it. What I can easily see is that I am at level 35, he is at level 36, my team was established on 04/2016, his team was established on 07/2015, which leads me to the conclusion that he must have spent at least around 8 seasons tanking, if I am not miscalculating. So tanking belongs to his regular ways of playing TE, that is why I mentioned tanking, but yes, he may definitely have used another way to increase his quality since the season openings from 100% to 180%. I have no idea what way it would be. Of course, he may have spent like 100 000 tokens or something - if that is what has happened, then yes, his quality is definitely fairly earned.

    But I do not think this debate should be about tanking. What I wanted was to open a discussion about the draw logic and about situations when you face 70% stronger opponent, which, from my point of view, ruins any positive game experience.

    And I still hope to get a word from Nordeus on this...
    gizzmo and lespa like this.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    This is because of the top100 asso and platinum.
    I 'm also tanking but don't have that quality

    I hope that they would make asso with national teams instead of officials.
    That would fix all the problems.

    btw, what lv are you ?
    Hi, I am level 35.

    Sorry, I am not aware of the ways to exploit the game, what is the relationship between asso top100 and this situation? And how would making asso with national teams change the scenario?

    Sorry, maybe stupid questions, but I really cant see any piece of relationship here

  10. #10
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santa1212 View Post
    Yes, we are on the same ground. The truth is I dont understand tankers, because they are not playing football, they are playing some kind of other game like "who finds the most efficient way to exploit the weaknesses", and it does have nothing in common with football
    Exactly this is how the game has become ,who exploits the game better,because this game has not much in common with football.
    Altiplano and lespa like this.

    A.C. MILAN LEGENDS-Team Showcase
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