Got the double this season. Might be my last double as I'm taking a break next season. I might or might not return.
Best accomplishment of the season was joining the World Top 100 after the 1st tournament.
My teams record in top 100: 3 win - 6 draw - 3 loss
Previous 68 assoc games (all platinum): 51 win - 16 draw - 1 loss.
That's a mental change in team performance the last 3 weekends. I have no idea how to explain it. But it makes my decision to walk away easier. High platinum wasn't that fun, to much pressure to get results.
Regarding association. That myth about tanking for FA needs to be discredited. Tanking doesn't help and those tanking for FA do not understand FA. The three things that give an advantage for FA are sandbagging, understanding the tactical wrong engine and semi-mutants (used to be mutants but nordeus is ruining mutants nowadays).
Sandbagging is the opposite of tanking. And the engine, it is not that tactics don't matter; it's that whoever coded that thing understood nothing about tactics in a realistic sense. For example, having more success attacking a 451v through the middle than down the flanks. It felt like formation was cosmetic and through middle passing countered hard tackle.
Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 01-06-2019 at 01:04 AM.
Nordeus: Be aware very aware.
Hope that you return soon mate.
Oke, thread closed. Let's go for the season 114th.
comments 202
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I'll chose soon the 3 winners of 50Tokens, this post will be edited***