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Thread: Scout GK where is his form???

  1. #11
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ludo_Mansio View Post
    There are some players that definitely play like that (regardless of position), with ratings like 9-6-8-6-9-5-8. Up one game and down the next. I avoid those players if at possible. There's nothing you can do to train them, consistency seems to be one of those hidden elements of the game engine
    I was going to say something similar. Isn't the Gk... are what I call the contributive players.
    Key player- appear 90% matches doing something good
    contributive - can do "something good" 1 match yes, 1 no so ratings look like 6-8-6-8-6 . These can have a positive impact or a bad one, ex. assisting time to time, or been aggressive, losing balls etc.
    neutral - dont appear in the old simulation with comments -so we don't see their name- but he can have a impact in the players arround, for good or bad.

    The GK can't be neutral, because if Im right, we see him in the 100% of matches, but can perform in a random way, or be a key player, been determinant in some way (ex. I had my Gk in FKs scoring a good amount of them, and stopping PKs often)....

    So.... all isn't black or white, ofc. a scorer have more attention than a DC, but it's interesting see the differances between x and y player and realize that at some point, any position can be determinant.

  2. #12
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ludo_Mansio View Post
    There are some players that definitely play like that (regardless of position), with ratings like 9-6-8-6-9-5-8. Up one game and down the next. I avoid those players if at possible. There's nothing you can do to train them, consistency seems to be one of those hidden elements of the game engine
    I was going to say something similar. Isn't the Gk... are what I call the contributive players.
    Key player- appear 90% matches doing something good
    contributive - can do "something good" 1 match yes, 1 no so ratings look like 6-8-6-8-6 . These can have a positive impact or a bad one, ex. assisting time to time, or been aggressive, losing balls etc.
    neutral - dont appear in the old simulation with comments -so we don't see their name- but he can have a impact in the players arround, for good or bad.

    The GK can't be neutral, because if Im right, we see him in the 100% of matches, but can perform in a random way, or be a key player, been determinant in some way (ex. I had my Gk in FKs scoring a good amount of them, and stopping PKs often)....

    So.... all isn't black or white, ofc. a scorer have more attention than a DC, but it's interesting see the differances between x and y player and realize that at some point, any position can be determinant.

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