extend 1 day this event
extend 1 day this event
Tactician, I'm in a relativly weak association we are playing for fun with high hopes and enjoying it, i can tell you that we've finished level 1, 2 and 3 and we are hoping to finish level 4 almost exclusivly by me so it doesn't seem like nothing impossible, its the way you look at the game, of course it is frustratin to loose but its sport you sometimes loose sometimes win but only you can take your own fun away, and unfortunatly in this forum we have a lor of people obsessed with winning with all types os conspiracy theories... come on guys enjoy the game!
extend this event to 1 day
Yes the players and rewards are mediorce.
I got 10 players and only one was 7 star the others was 6 stars, i will sell them all anyway at the end of the season.
You do not know what my problem is. So do not reply to me. Stop making assumptions based on other users complaints and generalising cases. I am not the one complaining about trolls or loosing to weaker teams. You are replying to the wrong person.
Yeah... go make 1st in leaderboard for Gold Division 1 or above every day and also finish phase 4 and phase 5 with teams of 90-113% versus the two in the pictures below for ****ty rewards, then you talk about it being fun. It seems you have no idea what I went through in that event.
Last edited by Tactician; 10-25-2019 at 03:53 PM.
extend the event plz