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Thread: Predictable live match Animations.

  1. #1

    Predictable live match Animations.

    What I have noticed while playing this game is the very predictable live match animations.

    After playing for 2 years and a half, you can tell what will happen by the way the ball bounces in a certain way to one of your players from a corner or one of this free kicks from the side of the box there is most likely going to be a goal.

    It is the same thing for when your player runs down the wing crosses it and it is cleared by the defender in 80% of cases.

    Your players most of the time do not see the opportunity for a clear through ball, instead they run down the wing, cross it into the box only for the ball to be headed away from the defender.

    And what happens in troll matches is that every time they ball falls to your player perfectly or a through ball is given to them, most of the time that ball is going over the bar.

    And you know this is the worst thing, when the commentator says you are on a counter attack, oh x us running along the side and crosses it into x, a perfect chance, Annndddd? No Goal? The keeper only grazed it with his fingers. (Predictable comment).

    This occurs in every single match? The animations are the same too.

    I think for the next update they should spice up the animations by bringing in some new actions.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    This is absolutely right. I only just started using animations as I always preferred the text and it is easy to work out what will happen. How anyone can work out tactics is beyond me because no matter what you do, the animations don’t change and when you play through the middle it still goes out wide.
    Might go back to text.

    You’re right though, animations need a refresh.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Yeah I agree. It’s one of the reasons since the morale changes that my centre midfielders are always referred to as not providing assists in a while, how can they when the ball goes down the wing everytime.

    And yeah the funniest example of tactics not affecting animation was when I was losing a game that was nearly over, so switched to long ball & then moments later I scored one of those fast sweeping goals with heaps of passes you see lol

    Also don’t get me started on when my player is effectively 1 on 1 but passes backwards or out to the flanks!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Maybe this is what they called deja vu in philosophy, that whatever will happen has already happened. We are just part-time actors in an already pre-determined world.

    To summarise in layman terms, the animations are already playing out what has already happened.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bratislava, Slovakia
    Freekick - oh yeah, goalkeeper grazed it to the corner
    Corner 1 - defender reacted clumsily (another corner - good old days 4 years ago would be a GOAL ) lol
    Corner 2 - we have two options - 1/ Goalie smoothers the ball or 2/ foul from the player

    Good old days , two corners in row = 100% goal scored lol
    dave1311 likes this.

  6. #6

    Predictable live match Animations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol Survivor View Post
    Yeah I agree. It’s one of the reasons since the morale changes that my centre midfielders are always referred to as not providing assists in a while, how can they when the ball goes down the wing everytime.

    And yeah the funniest example of tactics not affecting animation was when I was losing a game that was nearly over, so switched to long ball & then moments later I scored one of those fast sweeping goals with heaps of passes you see lol

    Also don’t get me started on when my player is effectively 1 on 1 but passes backwards or out to the flanks!!!
    Yes this infuriated me so much, this was 6 seasons ago, I was in the Final of the CL and I was losing 1-0 to a weaker team and it was the 85 minute and we were practically one on one to equalise and my player boots out to the wing to my best player and he was probably like what are you doing? But he crossed it in only to be cleared and we lost the Final.

    It took me one more lost CL Final to actually win it. I won it last season, as my team got a few hard opponents and other good opponents were trolled out of the competition, this was also the same for the cup too.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Max; 11-24-2019 at 09:53 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    Maybe this is what they called deja vu in philosophy, that whatever will happen has already happened. We are just part-time actors in an already pre-determined world.

    To summarise in layman terms, the animations are already playing out what has already happened.
    Yes, I think could be possible but I still stand by that they should be changed anyway.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    (Double post)
    Last edited by Max; 10-22-2020 at 08:44 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    totally agree, but as long abandoned teams can make a surprise for top teams because algoritam says that it mean strategy and managing means nothing, when that changes probably will be changed and animation

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Max I totally disagree with you its true animations have a certain predictability mas i've been noticing new moves, ex. yesterday i saw a player passing the ball to the keeper, never seen it before.

    What keeps bothering me in this forum is the constant destructive critisim i find here, what about going to the sugestion area and say what can be improved?

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