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Thread: Forum Challenge - Assists Challenge Tracking thread

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Forum Challenge - Assists Challenge Tracking thread

    Let's open a thread where to track how are perfoming our players till the season it's over, to know who will win the Assists Challenge of this season 124.

    Remember that if you wanted to participate, you needed to be registred when season started, so here the list of managers that will be elegible to win 50, 40 or 30 tokens once we sum up the assistances that their 2 registred players have achieved;

    Remember that the 2 players that each manager registred to represent the club in this challenge, can't be changed.


    GRANDEF--------#0MUOXY -----------Laurentiu Tofan -------Martin Spasojevic 39+40=79
    STEVAN99----------#UAAVPI------Lionel Messi-----Kylian Mbappe 35+43= 78
    CHOCOLOVE-----------#0FCS1T----changed for**-Julien Mary--------The Worst Striker 39+ 29=68

    DRAZEN VTC-----#E0AGQ7---------Pawel Krügger----Jurica Boban
    LOS ABRANTES ----#GHPCBK-------Sabrosa Simao-------- Mertens #30
    CHAI--------#V28F1A------Zoltan Czibor------Dino Zoff
    SUPERDUNK-----#A4N72A--------Raún Ginard-------Arturo Suazo
    A.GAVRILIN-------#A203M8--------------Gino Arias------Niall Maxwell
    ILLMAESTROLL ----#ghpcbk------George Weah------George Best #27
    MOTRIN-------------#OOXWGT----Ben Alabanja viii-------Beau Bloes
    MICKEYBFC-------#KBAL2H------Adilio Zijler--------Rachid Ammadah
    DIKESH PRAJAPATI---#UUIZ09-----Dikesh Prajapati------Ricardo Varela
    NEBU-------#82VAPO-------------István Seruja---------Stefan Thor
    GOGS 67-----???----------------H Kaboul and AMC A Honerbach.
    TACTCIAN FRIEND ?--#4XTRVN-----huruk hasturk ---------Robby Mancini
    TACTICIAN------- #4XTRVN-----------Wilfred Eromoigbe----Simon Christophori
    Last edited by khris; 11-09-2019 at 06:14 PM.

  2. #2
    No point in entering because my best assist maker has 13 assists and is on the bench, I should have had a good playmaker DMC this season, acquired him last season and he has been in incredible form, no goals and 1 assist in 63 matches, what a playmaker he is (not) lol, he is on the bench now, what a waste of tokens that was and I will never be buying form the scout market again unless absoulutely necessary.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  3. #3
    Apprentice [stevan]99's Avatar
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    I have checked all players, this is from yestrday
    Seems like i am easily in top 2
    Forum Challenge - Assists Challenge Tracking thread-121.png
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  4. #4
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Wait a minute, i thought it is based on the best assister overall, not assisters.
    Sorry, but this is stupid imo...@khris
    I mean i was 2nd in terms of assists per player, but like 10th overall for the both players.
    I can t be responsible to make my both players competitive in order to win this award, it was hard enough to make my best assister( Suazo) assisting almost 1 assist per game during this season.
    Last edited by SuperDunk; 11-07-2019 at 02:04 PM.
    I m still around, LOL!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    Wait a minute, i thought it is based on the best assister overall, not assisters.
    Sorry, but this is stupid imo...@khris
    I mean i was 2nd in terms of assists per player, but like 10th overall for the both players.
    I can t be responsible to make my both players competitive in order to win this award, it was hard enough to make my best assister( Suazo) assisting almost 1 assist per game during this season.
    It's in the original post
    Khris wrote "We will sum the assistances of both players"
    I'm sure we all had to juggle a few 'corner takers' and 'FK takers' around to get two players combined with good assist stats

  6. #6
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    "achieved the 2 players of each single manager who is participating in this challenge and the Top 3 managers will be rewarded."

    This is Khris original post.
    It doesn't say anywhere sum.
    I would appreciate where did you saw that reference.
    What I understood of her quote is that the best of the 2 players has the biggest score, representing it s team in competition .

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    Wait a minute, i thought it is based on the best assister overall, not assisters.
    Sorry, but this is stupid imo...@khris
    I mean i was 2nd in terms of assists per player, but like 10th overall for the both players.
    I can t be responsible to make my both players competitive in order to win this award, it was hard enough to make my best assister( Suazo) assisting almost 1 assist per game during this season.
    I thought it was well explained, when I wrote "you can select 2 players to represent your club in this challenge" at the end of the seasonw e will sum up the assistances that both players earned, and this will decide who wins the challenge.

    There was till middle season to select the 2 candidates, then, ofc. there's a luck factor, but too, the way we manage the team can help a particular player in that sense, seelcting them for corner positions, FKs, or focussing the passing etc

    This is how it works SuperDunk,

  8. #8
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Also the title of the challenge is named "assists", not "assisters challenge" . It would have made more sense wouldn't it?

  9. #9
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    I think I have a pretty good understanding of English in general, but the sum up thing wasn't clear for me from the beginning. You are saying to me that if I selected my 2 players, I would have already knew that both counted for this contest as together, not the best one.
    Also, guessing my goalscorer from the start of the season would be easy, but my assister from 3 wingers (AML-AMC-AMR) and ST is pretty difficult.
    I have some of my fault but you do have too for not explaining clear at the start of the contest the rules.

  10. #10
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    And next time you re creating rules for a contest try to use words that literally mean what you say, not make the participant try to guess what it should mean.
    Don t make rules that are up to debate...

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