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Thread: Glad to see this ASSO Chavs going ....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bratislava, Slovakia

    Glad to see this ASSO Chavs going ....

    Its good to see selling ASSO accounts by ASSO Twats, please see the printscreen.

    If Moderator is interested, I can offer full name and group.

    I mean, its time for proper managed ASSO to take place in Top 100, not to have it only for Twats from Turkey/Russia/Vietnam/Indonesia/China etc. so the regular Manager can take place in Top 100 Chart. Or please Nordeus, would it be possible to cancel that feature in your new release lol ? Of course not, you would go against them .....

    Hopefully more to come....

    Glad to see this ASSO Chavs going ....-loosers.jpg
    khris likes this.

  2. #2
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    It's against the rules but I have never seen any post in fb groups that they ban anyone for selling teams or items.
    As a matters of fact, I believe that nordeus promotes those Top100 tricksters. They motivate western Europe and American rich managers to spend more.
    That’s why they give them token bonus with every event

  3. #3
    VIP MNK Kaskada's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Gračanica, Bosnia & Herzegovina
    Few years ago, nordeus banned asso that people trying to sell. It is forbiden by game rules.

  4. #4
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    I have seen posts made for selling accounts many times on facebook. We should not bother about those as long as they are not us affecting directly in a significant way. Sure, we can report as spam post on facebook and if the post was done on a page or group, we can addionally report for moderation so that those posts are removed. One time I even asked the seller if he will refund the money if Nordeus ban the account and he said yes (though of course he cannot be trusted given that seller was a Turkish and Turks have a bad reputation on even when it comes to exchange or jerseys and emblems).

    It is not our loss as such. It is Nordeus loss - loss in revenue as instead of certain users will buy tokens and so on from them in a legitimate account, they will be paying money to those 'blackmarket' sellers. So, it is their job to prevent to look for those bad practices and prevent them. Briefly, it is their problem and responsibility, not ours.

    I think many of us have done enough to try improve this game with our complaints and feedback, but how much have those feedback been taking into consideration and how much has the game really improved? In fact, certain things only got worst. Nordeus priority is to make money, and given their ways, as long as they making money and their staff are introducing new things to make even money, they will unlikely care or bother unless it is about a main bug or issue that affects the general mass, which of course then, you will see the admins or the customer service replying to the report and they will look into the problem, which later usually get fixed fast.

    Some of us may have this thing in us where we do not tolerate unfairness, bad practices and so on, and we will tend to put in a lot of effort to fight those, but for how long and upto what extent can we continue if the people that can take action themselves will do nothing. It is like bagging our head against the wall repetively and for what - a mobile platform based video game where we are only users.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-15-2019 at 10:31 AM.