I do not want to be too negative or be harsh but I have to say the following. Nordeus and some people here, especially those that depend on them or work for them might not like it, but I will still say it.
Firstly, I think what you, dave 1311, said is kind of a repetitive scenario, not repetitive by you, but what I mean is every year has been same '****' - users get upset by undesirable changes and things that remained unchanged but they are told wait for the next yearly version to come. Top Eleven 2018 came out, users got upset and they were told to wait for T11 2019. T11 2019 came out, users told to wait for 2020. The even more annoying thing is that the new yearly versions just came out and already users are like waiting for the next years version? Top Eleven 2020 just came out and already users should be like waiting for T11 2021? Do you guys that keep saying wait for the next version not see what is wrong? I myself I have seen this 'wait for the next version many times'. Each year same thing, complaints and some keep playing their usual way, while others adapt, some tank, some quit, some come back, but all those that stayed kept supporting this company mostly by completing offers to collect resources. It is like keeping users on false hope but making use of them every year for making money. If you guys have not realised yet, you have become like working bots to complete offers for this company to make money.
There will be changes and there might be major changes, but most changes will probably be done mostly with the business approach which will be things for mostly the company and not for users or for both sides satisfaction. This is an online game focused on mobile platforms. Most things are stored online and processed online. Hence, developers have to work within resource limitations, but more or less every change and new thing introduced has been done in the business perspective. Who asked for those bet offers, fire status and so on? Who buys those very highly, overpriced recommended players or daily players (200-900T)? Is that not resource wastage? They keep like insisting to put things that are undesired and that hardly will be used. Something is clearly wrong with this company, and this will unlikely change until their bad operations hit them hard financially, but this will not happen until the mass stop to support them by stop doing mass offer completion and so on.
In this post, I will put back my forum signature message. You and others can see how many times I have quit, came back only to quit again.
Users have been giving their feedback, complaining and so on since months and years here, some upto the point of banging their head against the wall while others almost like begging but nothing much has changed in their favor.The biggest change that will favor both sides (company and users) will likely to happen only if users take action and cause a big loss in their revenue. So, partly, users are to be blamed themselves for having continued to believe in false hope and continued to support this company despite being displeased every year, every month or so and so on, with every version (X.) and sub-version (.XX) of the game.
Many of us know and understand that this is a business company and they here to make money, but both sides (users and company) should be satisfied, not mostly one side. This one way thing cannot be allowed to continue and be supported to continue.
As for the new academy thing, we better wait and see what it will be all about when we see it and be able to use it in game. It looks like it will take a season to be able to use and review this feature as it seems the final product of the feature will come out after 1 season of work. But yes, for one more season users will be used like bots to complete offers for making money.

We cannot rush into conclusions but many of us can expect that it will be just another feature developed mostly on the business side of thinking for the company; that thing they said that this changed was made based on what the community been asking might be just an excuse (and it is not a surprise).