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  1. #21
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    How do you guys feel after having been told something big coming on the 4th when in fact nothing big is (was) available to be used in the game on this date? In fact, not even a small thing is available for use so far... do not even dare to speak about the cosmetic changes (visual or apperance changes) , the 2020 game logo and jersey and the annoying background music. This itself probably is an upset to many users because I suppose that many of us came in game today with eager expecting something 'big' that would be immediately involved in the gameplay; in my opinion, this was a poor operation by Nordeus.
    I don't feel good tbh. Firstly it was a big letdown to see the countdown in youth academy section... I can understand their decision, that youth intake is from season day 3, still Nordeus could have communicate it better from the beginning imo. At the end we got no new content today on update day with all the hype that was built up beforehand.
    Second disappointment for me after the black friday sale, which was just an absolute utter desaster and not really fair to the playerbase.
    IImaestroII and jarharnamme like this.

  2. #22
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    For me last year was big disappointment. This year I did not expect something too.
    Something big would be few years roll back because than was the time when game was in this peak.
    Nowdays only though decisions, usually perfect for company but not for managers. Like i cant remember when was the last time when i could say good job, nice update maybe when super cup was introduced??

  3. #23
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Maybe TE2021 will see major changes, or even TE2022.
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  4. #24
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    Maybe TE2021 will see major changes, or even TE2022.
    I do not want to be too negative or be harsh but I have to say the following. Nordeus and some people here, especially those that depend on them or work for them might not like it, but I will still say it.

    Firstly, I think what you, dave 1311, said is kind of a repetitive scenario, not repetitive by you, but what I mean is every year has been same '****' - users get upset by undesirable changes and things that remained unchanged but they are told wait for the next yearly version to come. Top Eleven 2018 came out, users got upset and they were told to wait for T11 2019. T11 2019 came out, users told to wait for 2020. The even more annoying thing is that the new yearly versions just came out and already users are like waiting for the next years version? Top Eleven 2020 just came out and already users should be like waiting for T11 2021? Do you guys that keep saying wait for the next version not see what is wrong? I myself I have seen this 'wait for the next version many times'. Each year same thing, complaints and some keep playing their usual way, while others adapt, some tank, some quit, some come back, but all those that stayed kept supporting this company mostly by completing offers to collect resources. It is like keeping users on false hope but making use of them every year for making money. If you guys have not realised yet, you have become like working bots to complete offers for this company to make money.

    There will be changes and there might be major changes, but most changes will probably be done mostly with the business approach which will be things for mostly the company and not for users or for both sides satisfaction. This is an online game focused on mobile platforms. Most things are stored online and processed online. Hence, developers have to work within resource limitations, but more or less every change and new thing introduced has been done in the business perspective. Who asked for those bet offers, fire status and so on? Who buys those very highly, overpriced recommended players or daily players (200-900T)? Is that not resource wastage? They keep like insisting to put things that are undesired and that hardly will be used. Something is clearly wrong with this company, and this will unlikely change until their bad operations hit them hard financially, but this will not happen until the mass stop to support them by stop doing mass offer completion and so on.

    In this post, I will put back my forum signature message. You and others can see how many times I have quit, came back only to quit again.

    Users have been giving their feedback, complaining and so on since months and years here, some upto the point of banging their head against the wall while others almost like begging but nothing much has changed in their favor.The biggest change that will favor both sides (company and users) will likely to happen only if users take action and cause a big loss in their revenue. So, partly, users are to be blamed themselves for having continued to believe in false hope and continued to support this company despite being displeased every year, every month or so and so on, with every version (X.) and sub-version (.XX) of the game.

    Many of us know and understand that this is a business company and they here to make money, but both sides (users and company) should be satisfied, not mostly one side. This one way thing cannot be allowed to continue and be supported to continue.

    As for the new academy thing, we better wait and see what it will be all about when we see it and be able to use it in game. It looks like it will take a season to be able to use and review this feature as it seems the final product of the feature will come out after 1 season of work. But yes, for one more season users will be used like bots to complete offers for making money. We cannot rush into conclusions but many of us can expect that it will be just another feature developed mostly on the business side of thinking for the company; that thing they said that this changed was made based on what the community been asking might be just an excuse (and it is not a surprise).
    Last edited by Tactician; 12-05-2019 at 02:43 AM.
    IImaestroII likes this.
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  5. #25
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    Just wish that the desktop version also could watch the daily adds for boosters

  6. #26
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    Just wish that the desktop version also could watch the daily adds for boosters
    During some period way back in the past, I played this game only via the desktop platform. For sure, it was a big disadvantage as I could not even get 1 green pack from video offers and even no 2x training bonus (if I am not mistaken). I was like playing with very limited resources and had to be very organised and strict. I still managed to achieve some things but the mobile advanatages just bring things to another level.

  7. #27
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    I do not want to be too negative or be harsh but I have to say the following. Nordeus and some people here, especially those that depend on them or work for them might not like it, but I will still say it.

    Firstly, I think what you, dave 1311, said is kind of a repetitive scenario, not repetitive by you, but what I mean is every year has been same '****' - users get upset by undesirable changes and things that remained unchanged but they are told wait for the next yearly version to come. Top Eleven 2018 came out, users got upset and they were told to wait for T11 2019. T11 2019 came out, users told to wait for 2020. The even more annoying thing is that the new yearly versions just came out and already users are like waiting for the next years version? Top Eleven 2020 just came out and already users should be like waiting for T11 2021? Do you guys that keep saying wait for the next version not see what is wrong? I myself I have seen this 'wait for the next version many times'. Each year same thing, complaints and some keep playing their usual way, while others adapt, some tank, some quit, some come back, but all those that stayed kept supporting this company mostly by completing offers to collect resources. It is like keeping users on false hope but making use of them every year for making money. If you guys have not realised yet, you have become like working bots to complete offers for this company to make money.

    There will be changes and there might be major changes, but most changes will probably be done mostly with the business approach which will be things for mostly the company and not for users or for both sides satisfaction. This is an online game focused on mobile platforms. Most things are stored online and processed online. Hence, developers have to work within resource limitations, but more or less every change and new thing introduced has been done in the business perspective. Who asked for those bet offers, fire status and so on? Who buys those very highly, overpriced recommended players or daily players (200-900T)? Is that not resource wastage? They keep like insisting to put things that are undesired and that hardly will be used. Something is clearly wrong with this company, and this will unlikely change until their bad operations hit them hard financially, but this will not happen until the mass stop to support them by stop doing mass offer completion and so on.

    In this post, I will put back my forum signature message. You and others can see how many times I have quit, came back only to quit again.

    Users have been giving their feedback, complaining and so on since months and years here, some upto the point of banging their head against the wall while others almost like begging but nothing much has changed in their favor.The biggest change that will favor both sides (company and users) will likely to happen only if users take action and cause a big loss in their revenue. So, partly, users are to be blamed themselves for having continued to believe in false hope and continued to support this company despite being displeased every year, every month or so and so on, with every version (X.) and sub-version (.XX) of the game.

    Many of us know and understand that this is a business company and they here to make money, but both sides (users and company) should be satisfied, not mostly one side. This one way thing cannot be allowed to continue and be supported to continue.

    As for the new academy thing, we better wait and see what it will be all about when we see it and be able to use it in game. It looks like it will take a season to be able to use and review this feature as it seems the final product of the feature will come out after 1 season of work. But yes, for one more season users will be used like bots to complete offers for making money. We cannot rush into conclusions but many of us can expect that it will be just another feature developed mostly on the business side of thinking for the company; that thing they said that this changed was made based on what the community been asking might be just an excuse (and it is not a surprise).
    Until there is a reasonable alternative. Many of us will not stop as we have time to kill and there is no other game that comes close.

    Top Football Manager (I was playing this previously) is similar and has 3D graphics but is memory intensive and crashes very often. It has the same problems but worse. You draw players many levels higher and is also all about manipulating draws and tanking. Training is rubbish and betting on matches is a must to get funds easily at early levels. Fewer bot teams so we lose often and also the same number of upset players who lose against weaker abandoned teams. Apart from that, it has a lousy interface and there is totally no support. All queries are sent to moderators who are in the end just players themselves and get irritated and unresponsive due to the volume of complaints.

    Anyway, many issues you mentioned are not forced upon us. We do not have to buy expensive double SA scouts. We do not have to buy token back inflated auction players. We do not have to spend money or complete token offers. We do not need to watch videos. It is our choice.
    Ludo_Mansio and IImaestroII like this.

  8. #28
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    Until there is a reasonable alternative. Many of us will not stop as we have time to kill and there is no other game that comes close.

    Top Football Manager (I was playing this previously) is similar and has 3D graphics but is memory intensive and crashes very often. It has the same problems but worse. You draw players many levels higher and is also all about manipulating draws and tanking. Training is rubbish and betting on matches is a must to get funds easily at early levels. Fewer bot teams so we lose often and also the same number of upset players who lose against weaker abandoned teams. Apart from that, it has a lousy interface and there is totally no support. All queries are sent to moderators who are in the end just players themselves and get irritated and unresponsive due to the volume of complaints.

    Anyway, many issues you mentioned are not forced upon us. We do not have to buy expensive double SA scouts. We do not have to buy token back inflated auction players. We do not have to spend money or complete token offers. We do not need to watch videos. It is our choice.
    It is one of the only ways left if users want a proper change to be done. We, as users, do not really know what has been going there at Nordeus and still going, who are to be blamed in all this but if the people at the head do not see anything alarming, that is, revenue still coming, they will unlikely be concerned in such a way that they will go looking in matters from below and thoroughly. There are so many possibilities. It might be possible that certain people from the lower levels of staff have not done their job properly. What if suppose, those at the head would care but the thing is that they do not even know about what has been going and they think every thing is running smoothly because of the regular high revenue numbers, high users activity and so on? Users need do something to send those people at the head a message.

    Or maybe some of those people think that they got us trapped like people got trapped in drugs? Maybe it is the case for some users here and that is why despite all the whinings, complaints and so on, they are slaves and still 'eating this ****'.

    In any business, customer demand and satisfaction are very important and are usually taken seriously into consideration. Clearly, for the case here, something is fishy.

    They are not forced up but firstly why are some of them there or were here when it will not be helpful or would not have been helpful nor used by most users. That is called wasting resources and only the devs know why they did such things, maybe for the sake of introducing new things and to fool their own company by making the people at the head think that they developed or introduced new things that users will want or will be pleased and that will increase the revenue of the company when in fact this has not been the case so many times? Many times users here were like, do those people working for Nordeus even play the game or know themselves how the game functions?

    About the watching video for green packs thing, you cannot say that it is not forced. It is forced because this game can hardly be played competitively without green packs, and for new users with new accounts, farming red packs might be important too. Even the daily 2X training offer is forced because it requires absurbed amount of condition loss to boost the bonuses to 8-10 % without the 2X offer. Users have become like daily working bots (or working bees) for Nordeus; they complete offers in mass that bring them big revenue, but then what do they give in return in terms of their demands and satisfaction? My point is they are just making use of us to make money, and my response was for that msg about wait for the next version as it is just a repetitive scenario that has been happening every year since years, and it is like some people want us to keep waiting having false hopes but completing their offers for them make money. I myself I have seen and also been told many times like wait for the next version bla bla bla in the past.

    At some point here in the past, maybe some got the impression or thought that maybe it is only about a few users or a small fraction of the whole community, that is the feedback from the forum here did not matter much (not much weight) but with time it seems that the matter is global as there have been so many complaints everywhere (forum, facebook groups, official facebook game page, private discussions and so on) from different users for the same things, not only on the forum. So, clearly something is wrong with this company.

    What else can be done, maybe many of us sign a petition saying that since months and years most of our feedback had no effect whatsoever on the changes that followed in the game and that we only got more annoyed upto to the point where some of us felt insulted because the devs brought more undesirable changes and did the complete opposite of what was asked as if they are blind and deaf, and send it to the people at the head of the company? Nothing much else options left for unsatisfied users apart from quitting this game and move on.

    I think I have said enough. If people instead of acting for forcing reasonable changes that they want, they continue to support this **** but then only to keep on regularly complain, whine, bang their head against the wall, and even beg.... or like talking to themselves on the forum, then they are partly to be blamed because they indirectly kept on supporting what they do not like. If this game has become more like a drug where you cannot free yourself from it, then you need help. As for me, I will see what this new youth academy thing is about but then I expect that will be it as I do not have big hopes or positive expectations concerning the new changes. In my association, despite that it has been a successful association, many of us were already in discussion about quitting the game or taking a break before the new yearly version came itself. Seriously, I do not see myself continue supporting the ****ty ways of the company and the bad sides of their game, neither as a token buyer nor a 'freebie' user (not worth it in any case). I have seen a worst game company though from the past online games I have played.
    Last edited by Tactician; 12-05-2019 at 06:11 AM.
    IImaestroII likes this.

  9. #29
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    It is one of the only ways left if users want a proper change to be done. We, as users, do not really know what has been going there at Nordeus and still going, who are to be blamed in all this but if the people at the head do not see anything alarming, that is, revenue still coming, they will unlikely be concerned in such a way that they will go looking in matters from below and thoroughly. There are so many possibilities. It might be possible that certain people from the lower levels of staff have not done their job properly. What if suppose, those at the head would care but the thing is that they do not even know about what has been going and they think every thing is running smoothly because of the regular high revenue numbers, high users activity and so on? Users need do something to send those people at the head a message.

    Or maybe some of those people think that they got us trapped like people got trapped in drugs? Maybe it is the case for some users here and that is why despite all the whinings, complaints and so on, they are slaves and still 'eating this ****'.

    In any business, customer demand and satisfaction are very important and are usually taken seriously into consideration. Clearly, for the case here, something is fishy.

    They are not forced up but firstly why are some of them there or were here when it will not be helpful or would not have been helpful nor used by most users. That is called wasting resources and only the devs know why they did such things, maybe for the sake of introducing new things and to fool their own company by making the people at the head think that they developed or introduced new things that users will want or will be pleased and that will increase the revenue of the company when in fact this has not been the case so many times? Many times users here were like,do those people working for Nordeus even play the game or know themselves how the game functions?

    About the watching video for green packs thing, you cannot say that it is not forced. It is forced because this game can hardly be played competitively without green packs, and for new users with new accounts, farming red packs might be important too. Even the daily 2X training offer is forced because it requires absurbed amount of condition loss to boost the bonuses to 8-10 % without the 2X offer. Users have become like daily working bots (or working bees) for Nordeus; they complete offers in mass that bring them big revenue, but then what do they give in return in terms of their demands and satisfaction? My point is they are just making use of us to make money, and in response to that msg about wait for the next version.... it is just a repetitive scenario that has been happening every year since years, and it is like some people want us to keep waiting having false hopes but completing their offers for them make money. I myself I have seen and also been told many times like wait for the next version bla bla bla in the past.

    At some point here in the past, maybe some got the impression or thought that maybe it is only about a few users or a small fraction of the whole community, that is the feedback from the forum here did not matter much (not much weight) but with time it seems that the matter is global as there have been so many complaints everywhere from different users for the same things, not only on the forum. So, clearly something is wrong with this company.

    What else can be done, maybe many of us sign a petition saying that since months and years most of our feedback had no effect whatsoever on the changes that followed in the game and that we only got more annoyed upto to the point where some of us felt insulted because the devs brought more undesirable changes and did the complete opposite of what was asked as if they are blind and deaf, and send it to the people at the head of the company? Nothing much else options left for unsatisfied users apart from quitting this game and move on.
    I have to ask if you have so disappointed in the company and the game. Why do you keep coming back and playing? It is the reason why they know their game is good.

    With regards to out to make money. I think many people have mentioned before that every business wants to increase revenue and profits. It will never be enough. There should always be growth in revenue and profits.

    From what I read, many have mentioned the game is non pay to win and some even say it is pay to lose. Lol. On top of that, look at the hall of fame and the number of successful managers. I dare say most do not spend a dime. And with that, if you can win every trophy every season just watching videos. I would say it is still possible to be competitive without watching videos. It will be about management. I will be creating a 2nd account and have no intention of watching videos so I will document this. We won't win all trophies but I still think 1 trophy a season is possible for players who do not watch videos.

    I do not think they ignore everything that we want but what is requested sometimes only benefits certain segments of users. Like some might not want a more time consuming youth academy as they have to work and have families to spend time with. And many changes requested does not benefit the company bottom line as well. Like you mentioned, it has to beneficial to both users and company.

    You mentioned that they implemented many useless things. I agree. But sometimes companies have to test the market.

    As long as they do not corner us into spending like some games do. It will be difficult for you to organise a mass stop. And even so, you might not get what you want
    Ludo_Mansio likes this.

  10. #30
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    I have to ask if you have so disappointed in the company and the game. Why do you keep coming back and playing? It is the reason why they know their game is good.

    With regards to out to make money. I think many people have mentioned before that every business wants to increase revenue and profits. It will never be enough. There should always be growth in revenue and profits.

    From what I read, many have mentioned the game is non pay to win and some even say it is pay to lose. Lol. On top of that, look at the hall of fame and the number of successful managers. I dare say most do not spend a dime. And with that, if you can win every trophy every season just watching videos. I would say it is still possible to be competitive without watching videos. It will be about management. I will be creating a 2nd account and have no intention of watching videos so I will document this. We won't win all trophies but I still think 1 trophy a season is possible for players who do not watch videos.

    I do not think they ignore everything that we want but what is requested sometimes only benefits certain segments of users. Like some might not want a more time consuming youth academy as they have to work and have families to spend time with. And many changes requested does not benefit the company bottom line as well. Like you mentioned, it has to beneficial to both users and company.

    You mentioned that they implemented many useless things. I agree. But sometimes companies have to test the market.

    As long as they do not corner us into spending like some games do. It will be difficult for you to organise a mass stop. And even so, you might not get what you want
    This is off topic here. If you want to know in detail why I quit and so on go back to my old posts. There are many reasons why I came back after quitting, but in the end, which means these days, I found out that there is no hope in making suggestions, complaints, discussion and so on about the game, that nothing much will have an effect on what the devs will bring as changes or will not change. Users look more like silly in the feedback area - as if they have been talking to themselves. There were some bad sides of the game way back, but not much for a game of that kind. I was here from when the game was a simple football management with only comments as match highlights (blue version). Then came the live animation things, the bonuses, new training system and so on which is when I made a comeback after logging back to the game to see about the new things out of curiosity. Things were still fine as such though of course there were room for improvement. In fact, this was a big improvement from the blue version, but it only got much worst later with time when associations came, then the greed of the company showed up with many of their changes they made mostly with the business side of thinking (not at all based the users side or their feeback, demands or satisfaction) upto where now we even have bet offers in the game. The problem is that those changes made the game experience worst (not because it required money or anything as such). I played this game in different ways, as a free user, as small token buyer, as a medium one, and even as a big token buyer, and I do not regret anything as such, even those hundreds of USD I spent. There has been no customer respect, importance and so on lately. I even asked for refund once and got it from Google when their game pissed me so much some time back (Guess what pissed me, it was one of their changes that made the game so inconvenient and a pain to play, and the other being the change they made with the game engine to probably cut down resource usage as things got heavy with associations matches and so on). Every change is like completely the opposite of what has been asked, and some things for example the rewards in certain events are like an insult to the customer for the time, effort and money required (really I mean it, an insult).

    I say it again - my post was in response to what Dave said, which is like wait for the next version thing, a repetitive scenario that I myself have experienced many times in the past and that what, should we keep on going like this every year working like bots for Nordeus completing their offers but then waiting for the next version (with false hopes)? I told instead that what could be done if users want a proper change. You replied and brought other things which I myself I have not said in there like 'Anyway, many issues you mentioned are not forced upon us. We do not have to buy expensive double SA scouts. We do not have to buy token back inflated auction players. We do not have to spend money or complete token offers. We do not need to watch videos. It is our choice.' I did not talk about that at all here but I had to reply to you.

    Do not make the same mistake as Nuno... thinking that the situation at lower levels is the same situation others face in the higher levels. Things are different. When someone complains about something, you need put yourself into his shoes and try see what is the problem and not see things only based on your side and your experience, and then saying as if there is no problem or the situation is not as the user said. In the lower levels, you can get away with a lot of things, but in higher levels not. With time, you yourself will see that. Do you think I am lying by telling you the game cannot be played competitively without green packs? Green packs are needed for a lot of things in this game, the most important is condition recovery (especially when playing in more than 2 competitions, and many already know how fixtures in a day tend to be set close to each other) and secondly is to train players. If they were not needed, then users will not be completing video offers regularly even if they are not playing seriously, tanking or even taking a break. They are literally forced to complete those offers if they want to be competitive.

    You just spoke about time consuming in your last reply, what is the most time consuming in this game? It is this f**.... current auction system that requires the user to stick to the screen for hours every day till he finds the desired players. What have they done to improve that despite that there have been several complaints during those years since this thing was introduced? Nothing. This auction system is what made me quit the game one time or more. It is not about the prices but more about the inconvenience and pain to find the desired players to buy. If you have not figured it out, I am not the kind of user looking for 'charity' here. I do not mind paying for things as long as I am getting what I want.

    Yeah, that is my point, developments and changes must be beneficial for both the company and the users. Users demand and satisfaction should be very important. It cannot be only 1 sided, but what has been going on for long has been one sided. The worst is that some developments or changes did not even benefit the company (so no side at all) as such as users hardly even used those like the betting offers, highly overpriced daily and recommended players where besides the high price, many do not even fit to the taste of the user or what he is looking for, and so on. So, why even they were put there and still here.? It is like wasting the limited working resources of the company when those resources could have been used for something that users wanted. It is more like some people at Nordeus been fooling the heads of the company making them think they made these developments which will bring a lot to the company when in fact they are failures (and many times some users remind them that they are failures and some even said things like do they even play this game and know how the game works). Like I said, there is clearly something wrong going with this company.
    Last edited by Tactician; 12-05-2019 at 11:21 AM.

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