Today we got another boost lab event, but it is very different from last seasons and offers some new mechanics.

This time Nordeus is not giving us the expensive youth coaches, but more training boosts, where we can make our drills more effective - or to put into another perspective - save rests when we train our players.
Most interesting are in my opinion stage 3 +70% training effect on players age 26+ and last stage +70% on players over 7 stars. These 2 boosts could be very powerful.

However my prediction with this is, this is not going to sell very well due to it being released mid-season... All the money players or more serious players, myself included, already did all their power training for the current season.
The previous boost lab was then generally more appealing for most people, to prepare their youth for next season.

If this was being released at the beginning of the season it would have huge impacts and would be another major step to push people into spending money. I mean I would think about buying this maybe up to tier 3, if I had some older players to train. The amount of rests you can save when you have to train a lot is probably gigantic.

What do you think about this?