Originally Posted by
Pretty quick to judge i see. Do you think players instinctively know how to manipulate draws? I played years before learning about the forum and it took even more time to learn about how to manipulate. When you see the forum moderator at that time, Nik and his entourage posting trebles month after month, wouldn’t you want to explore and learn other ways to play the game?
There are so many guides on the different playstyles here in the official forum, if they didnt want us to learn and try it, wouldn’t it be removed? I mean they made the effort to alter the date i joined the forum and removed all of my early posts so it shouldn’t be too difficult.
You make it sound like i win effortlessly while manipulating. I wouldn’t have only won 1 Champions league in the last 4 seasons if that were so. There are so many upselling and big spending manipulators. Is it not effort to watch alot of vids and train players? I play in an ultimate association, you think i can get by with a sub standard team while being inactive?
I have never tanked but i do not think it is wrong. Is it wrong to be open minded? There are so many players out there who tank, manipulate and upsell. Are they all unjust? If this wasn’t right by developers standards, wouldn’t they have already done something about it since people have been complaining about it for years?
Quit being an angry victim. They aint gonna risk their bottom line so if you can’t beat us, just join us. No point acting like one of their community leaders who lack influence yet try to manipulate the thoughts of players. Totally no ownership, blaming users for the faults of their game.
Fyi, I endured till level 30 plus with your kind of bs draws against manipulators and tankers before calling it quits. How long do you expect people to put up with such bs. It's not like these early manipulators were humble and nice to us new players back in the day.