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Thread: The server is compromised

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Angry The server is compromised

    I want to really complain about the game server. I don't know what is wrong with Nordeus but I'm slowly but surely losing interest with Top Eleven.

    I just checked the new season and to my great surprise, majority of the teams in the Champions League and Cup are a level above me. My best team is rated below 110% but I'm pitted against managers standing at 130% and above. I've already surrendered the Champions League while the Cup is looking quite unrealistic now.

    I've complained about this countless times, the game server needs to be updated as it's obvious it has been compromised. It's almost strictly pay to succeed now and many of us from different countries who can't afford certain gifts, can't compete. Hence, most managers are losing interest in the game. It's so annoying because as of now, I might be put in a league with managers above me. How can a level 14 manager be competing with mainly level 15 managers? The worst part is these level 15 managers will be given ratings of additional 20% against me that's level 14. How do I compete against that?

    The server is compromised and needs updating.

  2. #2
    VIP MNK Kaskada's Avatar
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    Gračanica, Bosnia & Herzegovina
    No admin, mod or developer showed any interest in your complain, basically this FORUM is also a JOKE.

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by MNK Kaskada View Post
    No admin, mod or developer showed any interest in your complain, basically this FORUM is also a JOKE.
    You're wrong there buddy. This Mod is interested! And you call the Forum a joke yet here you still are commenting I do however respect your opinion. But the forum is a place to express those opinions good or bad and I know the Admins do take note even if they don't comment.
    To address the original complaint, it's true that you can find yourself in a +1 situation if you have a strong team. In these circumstances there are actions you can take to lower your team quality to get an easier league the following season. I won't go into those as there are many other posts explaining this.
    Good luck guys.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
    Level 133
    50 League
    8 Champions/Elite League
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    1 Super Cup

    Top Eleven Forum Moderator

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Nordeus, you need to understand that matching 110% lvl x manager against against 90% lvl x+1 manager is not fair draw even if on paper they are both 110% due to lvl difference ... The lvl x+1 manager can increase the % of his players at a much cheaper price than the lvl x manager just because his players are on average 90% not 110% ... 2 weeks into the cup or Champions league and as level x manager you are like 114% while the x+1 managers are 120%+ ... The way you coded this is faulty , lacks reasoning and proper analysis
    Bruce_Wayne_05 likes this.

  5. #5
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    May 2022
    It’s bad the other way too. I don’t spend any money on the game and generally have squads around 95%. If I’m playing a level x-1 at 95% it means they are really 115% and likely have premium bonuses like two special abilities, rare specs, and the 8% possession bonus from Mourinho.

  6. #6
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    May 2022
    I'm paying some money; not a whale, but premium and monthly card, send premium as a gift and that's about it.
    But I'm on level 6, so I just started to play the game, and already I'm getting sick of this problem here, so Nordeus, moderators etc... maybe it would be better to listen to people like Bruce Wayne and others a little more. Just a suggestion.

    Because as I said, I'm on level 6, and already I'm not playing 2/3rd of the game, and I'm rapidly losing interest just beacuse of this issue.

    Last season and this season I encountered exactly the same problem (and it is a problem, believe me) - cup and Champion league I forget at the same second I see 160% tanker in my group. No money from me there, not even clicking on games to see what's going on.
    At the League it's O.K.
    I have to really grapple and fight for first place, I don't mind it, some you win some lose, but when my association matches start to be the same... what to tell you?
    It is a problem, and it shouldn't be on players to watch countless of hours of youtube videos and making hoops through some ridiculouss buying and selling players when the game should make a clean match-making system we're paying for, at the end of the day.

    All the best.

  7. #7
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    May 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Liger View Post
    It’s bad the other way too. I don’t spend any money on the game and generally have squads around 95%. If I’m playing a level x-1 at 95% it means they are really 115% and likely have premium bonuses like two special abilities, rare specs, and the 8% possession bonus from Mourinho.
    There are people that pay a lot of money friend, I see them as sort of "cheaters" too, but don't think that's the biggest problem you have in match making. That kind of players are far from everyone that manage to stay between 75% - 85% - there are ways you can do it. The perks you're talking about are small advantages that are countered by yellow and red cards, really weird actions of best players, rewards that all can get by playing events or doing special sponsor tasks...

    I know that without paying anything you can't afford any shortcuts, need to save every green pack and really think about all the aspects of tactics and formations etc, but when in spite of all you beat someone 10% bigger it's a way better win in my book.

    But when the game cheats, and serves not a game or two, but the whole season to group of selected players - then just comes the point when it's stupid to play it.
    All the best
    Bruce_Wayne_05 likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Trust me, I can tell you for sure, if you don't invest money in the game you start losing more and more and I can vouch for that it's not a coincidence, it happens too much to be a coincidence. Nordeus could fix these issues very easily, all they need to do is make some changes to how the game is played. I have placed many suggestions I retain very valid and fair both to the managers as well as Nordeus. Here are some suggestions again, One set up the leagues as they are in real-life football. They need to be set up in the same way the Association groups are set up. In other words, when a manager starts out on level one is placed in a level one group, the same amount of teams as they have now, plays a league season, the first four are promoted to a level 2 league the last four of level 2 league are relegated to the lower league and lose 20% gained the teams promoted do not lose any % and they will compete in a level 2 league same way in that one first 4 promote to level 3 last 4 relegate to level 2 every team that wins their league should get not only money but tokens and boosters and not lose stars. People need to be rewarded not penalized when they do well. In every new league the path to promotion should be more difficult to obtain, the teams that do not promote or relegate remain in that level league until they promote. One should promote until when you arrive to a game-assigned level into the premier, serie A etc, this is the league where you remain and you no longer promote but it is here and only here that one can qualify for CL and Cup in the same way you qualify now first 4 and from 5th to 8th then the last four are relegated and the first four of the lower league promote. Then to keep it alive they ought to rotate teams from league to league so you compete as you do now. You go up in level and next league you compete with stronger teams but if you end up last 4 you are relegated and lose 20% and so on. In closing, every manager should be assigned to leagues and teams in a time zone that does not exceed 6 hours + or -. it is ridiculous that anyone should have matches at ungodly hours in the middle of the night when we cannot attend the match and we have to forfeit the rewards because of this stupid system. By the way, in every league, there should be a star limit one cannot go any higher than a set amount by the game until you make it to the main or premier league then limits are taken off. By the way, I would of course add other tournaments besides association to the leagues until one reaches the main league where they can qualify for CL and Cup This is how I would set up the game, I believe this would be fairer to all, managers and Nordeus can still make money because they can even make training sessions of different strength for different levels and boosters still would have to be obtained so our good friends can still make money, probably more than now.
    Bruce_Wayne_05 likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Your team is 110% and complaining, meanwhile me... 90% against 130% , what can i do then? i just walk and said "oh wow, nice team, congrats and bye"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Nothing really matters because nothing matters if I have to have a team at 119 and 40% training team bonus plus 10% per player with superb preparation and just because my player are not all on superb morale but very good instead I lose with weaker teams? What's the purpose then? I tell you what it is, IF YOU DO NOT SPEND the game will begin to make you lose, it's a play-for-pay PERIOD! No one will tell me otherwise. Until I spent buying tokens and players and boosters I was doing great now that I ran out of resources and do not want to spend actual money and I have to wait to get them I lose even if I keep my team in superb preparation. It's BS that's what it is! I have to try and just resign myself to losing more and hope that I can compete better next season, however, the unfair way this game is designed it is nearly impossible to do so without at least staying in one level for more than one season, We need to lose more to build up the team a bit at a time and it may take 2 or 3 seasons to get a competitive team and be able to keep it at a certain level, we need to get our teams at 120% and still lose enough to remain at the same level so that next season we can get it to 130 or better if we can manage to remain in a level for 2 or 3 seasons without promoting then we can have a shot at building a competitive team in a couple of seasons. However,, when they see that you are trying to do that they will make you win so you promote even if you do not want to. We need to keep a few really good players every season and build them up a little at a time and keep a team at a lower % level so we can compete better. I had mentioned in a previous comment how the game needs to be set up to be fairer to all and a much better playing experience. Until this changes, only those who spend more will succeed. Look at how the real leagues in Europe work and that is how these should work, promote until you reach the highest league and have relegation teams come up and go back down in the lower leagues. The last 4 relegate the first four promote the rest stay until they either promote or relegate. The leagues ought to be a few 5 at the most until you reach the Premier League where then and only then you can qualify for CL and Cup. Of course, the leagues will be many groups to keep it going that way. The leagues need to be set up similarly to how the associations work. Those who promote should be rewarded as in real life not penalized, when one promotes the prize pool should be greater even because if you reduce the number of teams that promote then they can afford to give better prizes than now. People ought to get tokens and boosters as prizes besides $. Those who promote should not lose stars those who relegate lose them. That is how real-life football works. In addition, as I said grouping people who have teams in some parts of the world with others so many time zones away is not fair either. The groups should all be within a 6-hour max window of time zone differential. We do not want to play with all these Far East Asian teams and have to play at some ungodly hours such as 2-3-4-5 AM when we cannot participate and lose all the rewards we may otherwise get if we watch and attend a game and by the way how fair is it to anyone not to be able to manage the team in every game? No wonder then you lose. These are the changes we need or else we need to learn to lose a lot and try to build and have a lot of patience doing it.

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