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Thread: Decline in forum activities

  1. #51
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    We can try to do some contest now that the old army did a comeback
    A weekly or two guess the scores maybe or some seasonal challange as we used to do?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by a.gavrilin View Post
    Hi mate,

    Who cares about moaning - we all need changes, positive changes according to the common logic and our expectations. But the changes are for worth. With 1 team I have been playing this game for 174 (!!!) seasons but I'm still on level 107 only because they keep sending us to the same level over and over. For the first time my 92% team received in the league 4 (!!!) oponents with 200%+ quality and the lowest opponent is 135%.

    My 2nd team on the 22nd level is 87% and my opponents are between 133-150%. Is it even possible to play against them? Bu the strangest thing is that now somehow the game creates equal matches even when your opponent is 50% higher or lower than you
    Fair enough so far. The system will divide TANKING players, players who have obtained TOKENS from tasks, and players who use negative stars into the same league, while players who consume normally will be in another league.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    This is the new season, I have exchanged and summed up the experience with many different types of players in many unlimited associations

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    Me and a friend, spend an average of 200 euros per month, our league opponent, 10% lower than us, another player who gets a lot of tokens through quests, his league opponent, 20% higher than him, another uses negative stars of players whose league opponents outperform him by 40%

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