View Poll Results: As a manager , are you agree with the points mentioned in the Manifesto?

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Thread: Community Manifesto - Top Eleven 2024

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    I still waste time keeping the game on my devices and updating it in the hopes of making the competition fair, getting support's attention to the most important event in the game, which is the Confederations competition. However, they only make changes to the 3D and introduce mini-games. Gameplay and strategies are becoming increasingly scarce, literally the game is heading towards 'spend your resources and money without management to win or try.'

    It particularly saddens me to see great players who were so dedicated leaving the game due to drastic changes in the game. We miss the great confederations like Legends, Mu Sai Gon, Bearloga, Made in Russia, Made in Serbia, and other highly dedicated user groups. Today, we see the top 100 with 90% of their participants coming from a region where tokens are easily obtained through money or missions, and their teams are made up of 300% players.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    and of course a League system based on regelation and promotion without removing 20% quality .. so you can keep building...

    the League system like the FA os it is possible
    vinim likes this.

  3. #43
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Another dead thread in a dead forum. I don't know why you keep writing here since nobody cares about your opinion.
    vinim likes this.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Requested my account to be deleted 3 days ago.
    Left my association.
    Deleted the app on my phone and ipad.

    Good luck with the mess everyone.
    After almost 7 years I am done.
    It was fun for a while
    vinim likes this.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Just delete this thread khris, cause it can not be fixed anymore. They just keep ruining the already ruined game.
    vinim likes this.

  6. #46
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Pangihutan Manik View Post
    Just delete this thread khris, cause it can not be fixed anymore. They just keep ruining the already ruined game.
    This thread exists for a reason and it is really needed, even more in moments like this.

  7. #47
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    This thread exists for a reason and it is really needed, even more in moments like this.
    Do you really think that someone cares about our opinion, Khirs?
    vinim likes this.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Nordeus will only care when players stop paying it's all the games got left I've been playing for nearly 9 years and this is the final straw Training was the only fairish thing left and that has gone I've probably got about 2/3 seasons left as I want to be fair to my association then I'm out out £9.99 for premier manager sounds a better deal!!

  9. #49
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    Do you really think that someone cares about our opinion, Khirs?
    Khris* look, guess what, lets develop this deeply because it needs to be extense in some points, and here many of us have been discussing for years so we kinda can talk frankly and honestly between all us:

    First, second, and third, all in one;
    It's a wrong viwepoint if you think that I write for more people than myself.

    People often base their lives on expectations of others, expectations based on what oneself would do, and it is a wrong way of interpreting the world.
    In fact, there are people who spend their entire lives frustrated by expectations, they don't realize that they only reflect themselves in others, continually, and with every person they come across.
    So they expect others to act the same way they would.
    Nobody does anything to them, when they find another person, X or Y, or Z, it doesnt matter as the process its always the same, they simply reflect between each other mutually, without at any time, anything they do with each other, whoever they meet, is personal. There has never been such a term.

    So, no, nothing I do has an expectation beyond personal enjoyment. Nai.
    Since this is out of my control it would be absurd to carry with it.

    I should open a thread to debate existentialism from the most philosophical path...

    Or do you think someone does something for you or to you? No. Imagine that you are an X, and if you were Y, anyone else, it doesn't matter who, would do the same, performing in the same way, you understand? So, no, I'm not here waiting, I'm just role-playing. It's the only thing I've been doing, the whole time, here and in every single game I join.

    If you understand this point fully, you'll understand that your question has no sense because Khris don't carry with expectations based on decisions of other people who are free to do whatever they want, nor you should do in your own life.

    We already have had this debate very often with many guys, which often comes from the need to act in a pedagogical way in a community like what Top Eleven has been for years, with the variety of players of different nationalities, ages, and ideas. It is important to bring up these topics from time to time, because many people do not know how to handle certain situations that involve actions of third parties/persons, and this becomes a soap opera, like a Mexican drama, in the end, when there's no need.

    Try to follow my point because we never should forget that you are here because you want, and me too. Or, are you here against your will?

    And now lets try to follow with the original topic, there's people willing to share feedback, to express themselves because even if they can't do nothing personally to change the game direction, we are here yet.
    Last edited by khris; 11-08-2023 at 12:40 AM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    i support this but...
    1. It is too late, years of game ruining cant be, (or want) fixed in month or two
    2. We all pointed of that many times no one was care, why they do it now? From nordeus actions was clearly that they give a s**t about old managers ideas or thinkings if there is new ones coming
    3. Why they wasnt be able to make leagues so teams from asia, south america, europe or afrika be in same league, if they want to cross teams from continents it can be done in cup taking care of team power so it wont be like now where in first round you know who will win in first round, one team 168% clossest to his power is 125% rest are 110 and bellow
    4. Why we have option of chose collors for home and away if game think that dark/light orange kit is same as dark/light green and change to clean green or white red squares are same as blue white stripes from oponent and change it for grey, when asked why answer was they have similar patterns?????? Guys kits are in collors not patterns
    5. Many managers gone, many will do till end of year, you think anything we say here will change it? without quick and proper action from nordeus it wont
    6. All new things that come cost more and more, elite sponsor, supreme monthly card combined with draw frenzy expenisvnes, as well other ones, asking more money from less and less managers, they cant run a game raising prices for those who stay to compensate gone ones
    I can go and go for 10 pages of it but it wont change anything, only what nordeus can do know is to rollback game delete train update and for next season completely change league and cup draws based on team power and than might it will show us that is worth to stay in game
    khris likes this.

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