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Thread: New matchmaking system will come in Q1 2024!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I give up the league.. just train my players and try to reach spot 4.. for FA multiplier

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    I give up the league.. just train my players and try to reach spot 4.. for FA multiplier
    You need place 3 for x3.
    maloukees likes this.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Was at the top my server 116 - just had a good season for me - won the cup and champs league and third in the league
    Now at 117 - 4 teams from my league last season have gone 'up' and there is 1 other team at a similar level 180+. All the other teams are 200+
    Top team currently has a striker on 527, 650 and 521 for defence, attack and physical...
    Going to be 'tanking' whether I like it or not - bit of a joke for a guy whose been playing for 10 years IMHO

    Golden Lion FC
    maloukees likes this.

  4. #44
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by WizPT View Post
    I hope you're talking about food you ordered and not the "new matchmaking system" that exists in kris head.
    We are all in a simulation, we all exist just as holograms

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by davewootton1964 View Post
    Was at the top my server 116 - just had a good season for me - won the cup and champs league and third in the league
    Now at 117 - 4 teams from my league last season have gone 'up' and there is 1 other team at a similar level 180+. All the other teams are 200+
    Top team currently has a striker on 527, 650 and 521 for defence, attack and physical...
    Going to be 'tanking' whether I like it or not - bit of a joke for a guy whose been playing for 10 years IMHO

    Golden Lion FC
    I thinking about that too... just because no change to win a title..
    The only thing stopping me is the FA multiplier
    davewootton1964 likes this.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    I've never seen a worst draw than this month.
    In all 3 competition (cup, champions league and league) teams from 80% to 150%.... quite a large range.
    Nordeus you could do better for sure!
    At the day 1 of the league I can predict the final rank, 4 teams over 130% in the first places, 4 teams in range 110% 120% and the rest of the teams abandoned around 100% or less.
    Really a boring month. Thinking to leave the game as many many other players.
    vinim, MARCO CAIA and Terry85 like this.

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