Replika FM. Iole je interesantnije![]()
Replika FM. Iole je interesantnije![]()
A moraš se veseliti,ali meni Amc igro napad što nije opravdanje zasluženo bod si uvatio,ja sam izgubio 2,i to je to idemo dalje postat će zanimljivo jer da sam pobijedio oso bi ja drug na 11-12 prednosti i to nakon 9 kola samo
Poslano sa mog Tele2fon v5 koristeći Tapatalk
to se ne bi desilo da si igrao u dresu Arsenala.. ;-)
Za one koji tek počinju T11 ili igraju već neko vreme i misle da mogu da zajebu Nordeus evo kakvi su rizici. Ovo je deo posta administratora sa dela foruma na engleskom jeziku:
"Win Token and booster offers
We offer a range of offers (most of them for free) to obtain tokens and boosters in our platforms. The purpose of these offers is to help our users to get a few tokens and boosters by completing some actions -like downloading an app or watching a video- or taking advantage of specific goods or services that can also earn quite an amount of tokens.
Offers depend on your location, account history, profile, language and platform, so if you don't see many offers on your Android device, for example, you can try with iOS, or on Facebook, or on
The use of any tool or device that spoofs your original IPs (like VPNs to access other countries' offers) or in any other way exploit the offer system in this game (like scripts that allow you to complete some offers in bulk, like watching a bunch of videos of an external country at the same time), to fraudulently get boosters and tokens in bulk instead of completing the offers properly, is against our terms of use and can result in your account being permanently banned.
You should only complete the offers you can see from your Top Eleven account in your location, and only complete them in the way they were designed. Any external tool, use of proxies or VPNs for this action is forbidden, and please note using VPN triggers many internal warnings and alerts that will flag your account as suspicious.
We take these issues very seriously. We regularly run automatic checks on all Top Eleven accounts on all servers, and have a dedicated team proactively fighting these actions. So, if you do this we will find your account, sooner or later. It's not worth it, as you could end up with your account terminated, and the beloved Top Eleven team you managed for years lost forever.
Abusing the system: Please note that if you are trying obtain A LOT of boosters or tokens every day, during few consecutive days, this could trigger some internal anti-cheating/fraud flags we have that control abuse on our offer system, apart from other internal warnings. When that happens, our system automatically reduces the amount of offers this user can complete for a period of time."
Ne pametujem samo "friendly warning". Lično mislim da nije blef i da se to svakome može dogoditi!