posts transferred from Season's thread.
This is also useful
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
Interesting but the last post in this topic is from almost five years ago. I couldn't find but is there something more recent about these special skills? Because I would like to see which one is really useful in the game nowadays.
For example, my team started to suffer more goals from free kicks now with two players in the team with defensive wall than in seasons before that I didn't have anyone with this skill.
It's happening a lot the ball deflecting in the player with defensive wall and going to an opponent's player in good position to score the goal.
I think it's because you have two of them (sigh)
It also started to happen to me when I had two def.walls, but doesn't happen when I field only one. The logic (pardon me if the logic seems empty, I'm trying to provide meaning to something which, if true, has very little) is perhaps that if you have more defenders that want at all costs to be in the wall, then you have less defenders to mark opponents, an so are more at risk if the ball bounces on the barrier.
I think many SA's have this kind of balancing properties, where two players with the same SA for one reason or another don't give you much more than a single player with that SA. I still have to figure out details/theories thoughHowever, be warned that not many people agree with me.
For FK, CK, PK I think this is not the case, you can have any number and they don't interfere with each other. As many will tell you though, PK seems rather useless.
doesn't matter if you have one or two.
But matters the quality between your defenders and the player who shots the f-k , maybe the skills, maybe luck, maybe team chemistry, maybe form.
Also, nothing changed in special abilities the last 5 years.
Only the visualization, the live animations, those last 3 years.
But it's more cosmetic than helpful for conclusions.
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ