Also may I ask how do you use green packs and if you do how many daily?
Also may I ask how do you use green packs and if you do how many daily?
it depending from the stars/quality of the player. As you can see, there is a range in trainings but if you have a 5* player with an avg +100 in 3 bars/practice he is fast trainer. If he has +80, he is a descent trainer - means that if he is playing good, it's worthy to spend greens to improve his quality and keep him for many seasons.What is the average Gain for each training and for 2 bars and 3 bars ? Because i want to know if my players are fast trainers
Check this thread also, it's from a friend of the forum and it gives the numbers more analytic
I don't train in 2 bars, only if I have to synchronize the condition of my players for a match I have to give in few hours.
I don't understand what you ask ...Also may I ask how do you use green packs
I don't do the training with the same frequency every day. The first days of the season I do more, the late days less. Also in weekends more because I have more free time. I can say that I use abouthow many daily?300-400 greens every season ?
About 100 from the game and the rest farming/buying .
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
There is no limit on spending greens. Few seasons ago I used to spend over 100 packs per day and managed to get few 7* in short time. Problem isn't how many packs are you going to spend, probel is that you can't knonw if your player will be in good form or not. Unless you don't have super strong subs, how to substitute/replace 7-9* player which isn't in form? Would you sell that player (who costed you at least 100 packs)? I hope I've managed to explain it...
Ex top eleven player
Is that 100% from all 3 ?
it's +100 avg for practice. Meaning : when you buy a fast trainer, you give him few trainings (3 bars/practice).Is that 100% from all 3 ?
If the first or the second are below 100, like a +80, +85 don't get disappointed. Give 5-6 trainings and if you see
+85, +100, +95, +120, +115, + 90, + 125 ,then it's ok.
Hey, hi t11_fan, happy to see you again
Well, you 're absolutely right. This thing it's very frustrated.
Here we have two cases.
If you buy a fast trainer, try to test him in 4-5 games to see his performance. If he starts he 5-6-4-5-6 sell him.
(I know, too bad)
It's a bad program or it doesn't fit in your team and the chances that he 'll perform better with raising his quality, are very few.
If a fast trainer was playing good but have a bad form for few games then there is a hope.
All above it's from personal experience and style of playing and always there are exceptions.
Also, every season is not the same for training but farming too.
The season at Christmas period I 've done a good farming. About 150 T and over 500 boosters.
I also bought a good offer from Nordeus, with many T and boosters, with the half price.
That was good because after Christmas, the period was very dry of farming.![]()
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
If only some other scouts had form like him.
Ex top eleven player
just a quick question! Every time if i see a brutally expensive player on transfer list i dont dare to bid to him because im afraid of he is prolly not fast trainer... so my question is: very expensive players are mandatory fast trainers or not?
Don't be afraid. 90% he is a fast trainer (age 18-21 y.o.) . If you want, you can sell him easily later, but he must have quality Q3/4 or Q8/9 .
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
in your post you talk about how winning a cup requires a specific method to win it. I am interested to find out more about that because that is a competition I won only once in second season of playing when I also won my only triple crown.
If you are reffering to a trick experienced managers use by having 3-4 players with one star in their squad I am familiar with that. If not, feel free to share your experience... :-)