Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
I found that cardio training is better than practice match & stretching is this true? I will take my one of my player example ( not a fast trainer) stretching +10 to 15( 3% condition loss for each training), cardio 30 to 35(5% condition loss), practice match maximum +50(10% condition loss)
some players can do better numbers in a specific training type but you must make many tests to find out. I wrote a post about that.
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
Is the more accurate statement that the player's trainability decreases as their skill (quality) increases, or that his trainability decreases with age? Since the normal progression is that Q and age increase at the same time, the two statements may be equivalent in most most cases. But in special cases where a manager invests all SP into roles and QA, the trainability will still decrease with age even though the Q is not increasing. Correct?
Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11
TREBLE wins: 1
League: 7
Cup: 2
Champions League: 2
the player's trainability decreases as their skill (quality) increases - yes
trainability decreases with age -yes
But in special cases where a manager invests all SP into roles and QA, the trainability will still decrease with age even though the Q is not increasing. Correct?
- yes, but remember that a player 18-21 y.o. has about the same gaining.
So, if you invest in a 5* player in sa & extra position, you level up and this player become a 4* player, his gaining will increase.
This is because q in training counts by the stars !
Read this post #185
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
Thanks, a lot of good info in that and subsequent posts.
Can I run a specific example by you?
I acquired an ST. 19 yo, 54Q is 5* at my level, fast trainer. He scored a goal in his first match and looked a lot better on the field than my other SPs. I like him.
I don't power train as a rule. I have 47 HPs, which was up to 100 at the start of the season. I did burn about 20 HPs doing what I imagined was power training, but probably just wasted it since I did not have any fast trainers at the time. Most HPs go into keeping my starters match ready for 2-3 matches per day; if I get booted from a cup, this will change. I don't let anyone start a match below 92-93% condition.
Unless I dedicate some HPs to him he will basically progress naturally - match play and "practice matches" during downtime.
After reading your notes, I plan to do the following:
1. Train him as an FK specialist. You wrote about which SAs are worth it and which aren't. I think you said FK is not worth it. So which one would be better for an ST? Corners? This may take most of the rest of this season.
2. Carry him over to the next season, he will become 4*, his trainability (average gain) should increase.
3. Next season he will be 20 yo, year 2 of contract. Train him for AMC or AML depending on how the team shapes up. This should take about 2/3 of the season.
4. Start letting his skills grow. Not sure what to expect, but perhaps +2-3 Q points by end of next season?
5. If he is performing, carry him over, he will be 21 yo and should become 3*, his trainability should increase again.
6. In year 3 of his contract, he should be able to make it to 4*. I wonder if he will have a spot in the starting lineup, but it's possible.
7. Will have to see about re-signing him at end of year 3.
Would you do anything differently? Other than use web app and hoard his SP cones. Would you use HPs (green packs), when and for which area of growth? Would you train his SA and extra role, and if so, which?
Last edited by ponzu; 01-22-2016 at 07:29 PM.
Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11
TREBLE wins: 1
League: 7
Cup: 2
Champions League: 2
Yeah I found it true, when we invest SP to SA or extra positions our players still gain,
I have a 3* MR I bought him on level 2 at that his quality 29(5*) I gave him extra position at starting AMR+MC then I trained him last season(level 5) wow he gained 70+ in practice match, when he hit 34Q he have became slow then he played some matches he's now 36 Q, I'm adding him SA( 5sp left to complete his SA)
While I waited for Giorgos to tell me whether to train my new ST for FK specialist, the guy played three matches, scored three goals and jumped to 6*FML
Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11
TREBLE wins: 1
League: 7
Cup: 2
Champions League: 2
hey, call me NikWhile I waited for Giorgos
First of all, I told in that thread that now with STs , I suggest not to invest to STs
(http://forum.topeleven.com/top-eleve...rs-lately.html )
Then, I suggested not to invest in F-K. It's too unstable sa and has to do with talent (internal programming as Khris saying).
(http://forum.topeleven.com/top-eleve...ost-touch.html ).
But you can try him as F-K anyway, to see if he has the talent .
My 1st player in post #281, Mavros, even if he had one-to-one sa, he was much better as F-K than his sa
He scored 5 goals from F-K in one game ( http://forum.topeleven.com/top-eleve...ed-side-3.html ).
Also I told in the guide and here ( http://forum.topeleven.com/tutorials...ew-player.html ) that fast trainers it's an "expensive" hobby for those who have only the basic sources of the game
That's too bad because this is a very interesting part of the game and gives a "role playing" element in the game.
If he is good scorer, try to give him sp only to quality (as you lack of greens).
With that way you can keep him as 5* player for 4-5 seasons.
From which country are you ? Don't you have any boosters from farming ? (playing from fb)
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
You can call me ponzu. Everyone does, well, online.
I am Russian. But my wife's family is Greek and my best friend in grad school was Giorgos from Athens, he called himself George. Every other Greek I know is called Nik. Or Nicholas, or Nikki.
No, I don't farm for boosters on Facebook, I don't play on Facebook. Without live matches the game would not be as enjoyable. Plus I find the interface confusing. The web app and the phone app cannot be any more different. They should really work on making them more consistent.
I farm for tokens on the phone. I had 45T at some point and though I could afford anything (except for protracted bidding wars). I even renamed a few players, you may have read the story. I quickly spent down the tokens and discovered that I could not make any more, not easily anyway. One of the ad companies that provide offers for the phone app, Supersonic, screwed me out of 39T. I completed the offer (install Mobile Strike and upgrade HQ to LV6) -- and got nothing. Only took me two days, but what a waste of time. (Not like T11, right?
Thanks for the extra links. My ST has quietly slipped into 6*. Based on this and your advice, I will give up on training him for roles and SA and will let him grow his skills naturally. See how close he can get to 7* this season. Next year, when he is back to 5*, I will train him for AMC or 1-on-1.
I now have a new 54Q 5* fast trainer, an MC. I started him on playmaker SA. Do you have a post about best SAs for MCs as well?
Thanks for all your help! Yassou!
Last edited by ponzu; 01-22-2016 at 11:49 PM.
Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11
TREBLE wins: 1
League: 7
Cup: 2
Champions League: 2