League Draw
Here's the Average Q Draw.
For those that see thing better with stars here's the Bottom & Top ranked teams and mine.
Unfortunately its difficult to find anything really meaningful - there are a few teams in my league with unsigned players and it won't be possible to see what they actually look like until Day 8. Basically, if it was a 'similar Q' draw then it looks like
a league of 2 halves: half a league of mixed ability from 3-5* (Similar Half A) and half a league of real crap (similar half B) ie half from a 'competitive' pool and half added from whats left. Bt that's me really stretching things to try to make it fit.
If there is a 'similar Q' draw then its not Top 14. Even Full squad average produced a >10Q spread.
So I can only repeat, if there's a balanced draw I'm not seeing it. However, I do have the gut feeling that the crap teams in the CL groups are getting crappier - not sure if that's normal for Level 15 and over or due to bottom feeder leagues.
And yes, I'll be adding friends for next season to try to ensure a competitive league rather than leave it to chance.
Now, forgive me but I'll need to find a new level of incompetence to stuff up this one