In Top Eleven i play with a 4-2-3-1 formation all of them are around 6 Stars. Then i versed an opponent with 4.5 Stars with very fast players and he is Using a 4-2-4 Formation. I knew then i was going to win by a big margin of 7-0 in the Champions League then after the game he beat me 4-0 with me having the 5% advantage in supporters

I was shocked then i tried it myself to test it out and i won 6 games in a row with the 4-2-4 Formation. I beat teams in Cold Blood
To make it work you need Counter-Attacks with Long Passes and a very fast team with Man-Marking. The use of this formation is for a very Strong Attack and Defense but a weak 2 man midfield but with the counter-attack and long passes it fixes the problem. I'm interested to hear your thoughts