Read the scenario basically means see the live matches and possession bar, and "know how to have the match control, if you don't have it".
The main idea of this thread was do with all settings the explanation to see when a order is failing -ex- if you set long passing, and you lose continously the ball, means that at this particular match the simulator has chosed the passing options as "important" factor.
I believe that between all the orders we can chose, some are determinant, some neutral, and some aren't counted (same as if you play without win bonus, without morale, or without condition, in a particular match it can matter,and affect, or do not.
I did time ago a video showing the 5 mentalities effect and how the players are displayed arround the field in each case -the pressure lines change- still Ive to try to explain in this case, "how to notice when a mentality order is failing" and do the same with all options, despite that the "long/short" passing are obvious, as the "focuss passing", basically, if a flank -left- is set by default as closed to allow passings, chenge it to the right or middle.
Basically all is about be conscient that the game looks at your starting settings and, selects ones as successful and some options are chosen to fail.
Knowing this you can set orders to create weakness deliberately and switch thesettings during the live match to turn the situation.