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Thread: Guide by Khris - How to read an scenario?

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Guide by Khris - How to read an scenario?

    First of all, we should define the word "scenario" and it's limits, what means, when does it change, and understand that, there are 2 options always, have the scenario in our favour, or against us.

    Basically the scenario are the circumstances that the game chose to determine the result of a match, it is chosen in all "it's own extension and all the posibilities" 3 minutes before the match starting.

    What means "in all it's own extension?", basically all the options/calibrations for a scenario, that are 4 in a grosso modo, are decided in this moment.
    This counts as mentioned the 4 calibrations, that change everytime that a manager "attend or do not attend" a match, and then there's the option, when one is attending, to participate because the game requires this effort from your side, or just, "stay watching" -do not touch please, even if attend, do not touch or you'll f***k all up (just you know, do a sub' in the 85' for the booster, but caution with this because if the score is close this can be turned against you under the 90' for that sub' - ehemm.

    So, basically, this means, to have a term that attending one can be "active" or "passive".

    Initially the "best one can do to read the whole scenario" and know what happens " in the predetermined scenario when you do not attend, is just watch your own match from a 2nd account. If works, why to attend? the game is made to make managers take decisions and tend to be "stable" when you do not attend and, tends to create a situation that needs some actions when one attend, call it change the mentality, try to avoid a 2nd yellow, do some sub... etc

    Now the main theme here is try to explain, as the title say, "how to read a scenario", and basically, when we attend.

    -First of all, the scenario and chances are determined by the comparation between the 2 AVQ -average quality - teams distance.
    We know that since some time ago, the scores "from a distance" and that time ago would mean 15-0 vs a 2* now have been re-calibrated...

    But here I would like to remind that once the match starts, the game does a simplification of our team, pointing out some players ad determinants and some, as "non participatives" and some, as neutral -neutral with a positive contribution, neutral, with negative impact (ex. loses balls, fail 3.4 5 aggressive..etc here too exist the option of those who "affect the players they have arround" - how many time syou've seen, in a close match your player playing "fluid"? this is how should be, but some times one single player can affect in a deep negative way the behavior of the whole team... then is when you see that the scores are low... it is difficult for your players to do a single shoot "the game despite the AvQ can seem "heavy" )

    Of course that many internal stuffs of Top Eleven need time to be understood, but, lets start now for the basics:

    -Possession Bar - it is the main source of information related to the match we are playing.
    We have to think that the main target we have, is to control "the chances during the match", have the control, basically looking the animations we know about this.
    But we have to remind that, many times the bar possession centre, is not in the 50%. It can be in the 60%, and we can see a scenario where with a 40% (or less uhh?^^ I say this for those who can't control matches with 75%'s ) a team is dominating us.
    This means that the centre of the possession bar is more from the side of the team that owns the 40% and then if we do the correct movements, and we control the match, it will overcome this 60% way longer many times.

    So it is so interesting to have an eye in that bar.

    ** Orders are not associated to a oppo's counter ordrers, the game chose some options to be decisive "if they are active" and some to fail, withh independance of the oppo's orders or formation.

    **You can set by default a tactic "with weak points", so then once match starts and the game focusses in these "weak points" and chose them as "non working options" is when you can join the match and edit the positions and orders that intentionally you've set by default to be chosen as "wrong options".


    Space for testing the MoM and High pressure:

    With all training bonuses at 0%:


    - Offside trap moved the Defense Line next tot the midfield. Then is when Counters can work. be continued^***

    ** the 5 mentalities
    passing style

    passing focussing
    key players -ratings lecture
    training bonuses -how they work
    high press and mtm testing***

    Yeah, if I write this as I pretend this will be the Holy Grail of Top Eleven.

    Internal programming matters. Scenarios are 50-50 despite players position cuz the game will have always a open door for you with what you use using what you use, having what you have, if, hidden factors are from your side.
    Last edited by khris; 10-01-2018 at 07:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Hey kriss, I have read this. but, I didn't find the answer I wanted. do you ask How to read an scenario? and your answer is just basic material, it does not refer to how we can move actively to regulate the course of the game to make us truly active as managers.
    is my comment correct? I am not so fluent in speaking English ... waiting for a reply ^ _ ^
    khris likes this.

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tikus View Post
    Hey kriss, I have read this. but, I didn't find the answer I wanted. do you ask How to read an scenario? and your answer is just basic material, it does not refer to how we can move actively to regulate the course of the game to make us truly active as managers.
    is my comment correct? I am not so fluent in speaking English ... waiting for a reply ^ _ ^
    Ive concience of this, I started writing but did not continue with my points. I'll try to find the moment to continue this and try to make people understand what I mean.

    The idea was start explaining all from the beggining, for all newcomers and thats not easy xD

  4. #4
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    a few days I was observing Russian people, although a little information I had because of the limitations of my speaking in terms of language was not good. from them I learned a lot, started by building mutant teams, until I went through several matches I was watching what they were doing. but I also learned a lot from this forum.

    Youtube RU : LINK contains Russian Group admin channels
    Russian Fb Group: I just joined and there are lots of mutant players shown
    Fb Group Indonesia: here I have joined for a long time because I am Indonesian and there are many stories in it

  5. #5
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tikus View Post
    a few days I was observing Russian people, although a little information I had because of the limitations of my speaking in terms of language was not good. from them I learned a lot, started by building mutant teams, until I went through several matches I was watching what they were doing. but I also learned a lot from this forum.

    Youtube RU : LINK contains Russian Group admin channels
    Russian Fb Group: I just joined and there are lots of mutant players shown
    Fb Group Indonesia: here I have joined for a long time because I am Indonesian and there are many stories in it
    yep, as the game became, it's more useful to read those forums instead of Khris guides

    * also search for some Vietnamese and Turkish
    khris likes this.
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  6. #6
    Hpk is offline
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    Got here a nice representation of the idea of reading the game scenario.

    Had this first league game of the new season, home game, opponent 115% vs mine 105%. I usually start the game with better opponent with defensive, mixed, mixed, counters on. This is what I supposed my team was prepared like. I started to watch the game from another account. Early down 0-1. Before I logged in to main account, it was already 0-3, with break coming in.

    Guide by Khris - How to read an scenario?-zrzut-ekranu-2018-11-13-o-23.32.59.jpg

    Then I have discovered, that my orders were completely different, left from yesterdays late evening cup game, not the ones I was planning to have. Quick changes, one sub and my team managed to take this game from the opponent. It was the first time, when my team turned around like this.

    Guide by Khris - How to read an scenario?-zrzut-ekranu-2018-11-13-o-23.33.09.jpg

    But without changing main orders, it wouldn't be possible. Starting orders were the wrong ones, in this case un "intentionally you've set by default to be chosen as "wrong options"."

    I hope Khris, you will finish this guide.
    I find the nikos:
    and possibly this one of yours if you'll finish it, as the most helpful for in play management.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    really looking forward eagerly to this Guide !!!!!
    hope you will continue this very soon.
    khris likes this.

  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    really looking forward eagerly to this Guide !!!!!
    hope you will continue this very soon.
    I'll check out my agenda. lol

  9. #9
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    29 of February

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    It's like "You can read a scenario but i dont say how. But you can

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