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Thread: Developing legendary player

  1. #21
    Hpk is offline
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Hi Guys,

    my Eduardo De Mattia is another one year old. Wanted to share with you, how was his last season.

    Unfortunately, November is busy in my business, that's why I didn't have much time to play, I've missed lots of games in the mid season, and had to fight for the league success at the end of it.

    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20181208-181843.jpg

    De Mattia finished as top scorer in the league, with overall quality 137%. But I missed lots of greens last season, could have been better.
    This is how he looked at the end of the season:
    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20181208-181914.jpg
    And at the beginning of current one, with Top scorer Finishing +30% addition:
    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20181209-125018.jpg

    He is already dominating the league (12 goals and 6 assists in first 4 games of new season).
    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20181214-230910.jpg

    I bought 4star player at the end of the season, ST Mark Visscher. I had 200 greens, which I spend to give him a position AMR and get him to a a decent shape, he is now 111%. And I will be investing in him and his future. He scores quite nice for a ST.
    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20181214-231439.jpg
    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20181214-231435.jpg

    i also bought another FT winger, who was trained by me without using him in games, he will be training only in the next two seasons, will see how it will end up.
    Der_Ryan_M and nikolgiorgos like this.

  2. #22
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    What really makes the difference, is which player you use for penalties & f-k kicker.
    Last season I started a new star for my team, Ronaldinho. But I also have a legendary player in my team, R.V. Nistelroy.
    I set Ronaldinho as taker for the league, so to earn the 1st scorer title and the 30% in finishing.
    For R.V.N this was useless as he has a very high % so I used him as taker for the Cup and CH.L.
    Ronaldinho finished top scorer in League and R.V.N top scorer of the club.
    Developing legendary player-ronaldinho-d28.jpg
    Developing legendary player-league-d28-top-scorers.jpg

    Developing legendary player-rvn-d28.jpg
    Developing legendary player-season-stats-d28.jpg
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  3. #23
    Hpk is offline
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    Jun 2018
    Guys, weird thing happened. A week ago I pushed deMattia to 140%. And suddenly he stopped playing well. Didn't score in any competitive game. Do not assist. I tried to move him to a different position, check his morale, nothing going on well right now.

    Did you see something like this before?

  4. #24
    Hpk is offline
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    Jun 2018
    Hello Guys,

    I want to show you De Mattia after another season.

    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20190105-101822.jpg

    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20190105-101811.jpg

    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20190105-101621.jpg

    Again, he was the League and mine Top Player, with 65 goals scored in 40 games plus 26 assists. Unfortunately there was no Top Scorer/ Assistant event this season.

    I've spent around 100 greens during the season to lift him up a bit, and finished with 143%.

    Will be difficult (more expensive) to maintain him this way for the next years to come, but he is worth it.

    I missed the second legs in Cup and CL games to lose quite early this season, which is much disappointment to me. Only the league title, where I was dominating, but in the end, lost and drawn a game and it was close (2 points difference only).

    So any ideas for De Mattia for this season?

  5. #25
    Hpk is offline
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    Jun 2018
    Hi guys, De Mattia currently looks like this:
    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20190116-224429.jpg

    Can you advice me how to boost his shooting ability, what training scheme to use not to loose to much od greens?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Hpk View Post
    Hi guys, De Mattia currently looks like this:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20190116-224429.jpg 
Views:	102 
Size:	92.5 KB 
ID:	115845

    Can you advice me how to boost his shooting ability, what training scheme to use not to loose to much od greens?

    In your case almost all drills that train shooting have an high average.
    The lower average is SET-P DELIVERY that is at 134%. Drills above 140% are no more efficient, and your player is already 22.

  7. #27
    Hpk is offline
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    Jun 2018
    Thanks a lot, I followed the advice and he is like this right now. I would like to boost his creativity, but it will cost loads of greens atm, so I think I'm done for this season right now. Or do you have any more good ideas?

    Developing legendary player-screenshot_20190119-104940.jpg

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    How can I improve this players plsDeveloping legendary player-screenshot_20190128-133945.jpg

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    And this Developing legendary player-screenshot_20190128-133953.jpg

  10. #30
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    How can I improve this players pls
    Only with a miracle

    They are too old.
    milpol and Altiplano like this.

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