Hi Guys,

I know, that forum is full of information, good advice, tutorials and guides. I have read all of the most important guides, the fast trainer guide, etc. etc.
On the other hand there are several topics, regarding new training system, hopes for TE 2019, about the real possibility of developing players and all of that.

My question will be simple.

Basis is, that at the moment I am on my 7 season. My team is developing season after season, with using all possible to get, greens, and finishing last season with avq around 124% and winning another triple.

Got this one guy, Edoardo de Mattia, who currently and in the past 7 seasons is the best player I ever had from the market. He was bought FT, this is the start of his third one.
Currently he is like this:
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20181111-142030.jpg 
Views:	455 
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ID:	112718

First season I got him late, but the last one he was on fire. HItting the net 70 times + 30 assist in 50 games. Of course, there are better players than he is, but I don't have any better one.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20181110-195404.jpg 
Views:	434 
Size:	93.4 KB 
ID:	112720Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20181110-195345.jpg 
Views:	437 
Size:	97.6 KB 
ID:	112722

And the question is. How shall I work on him in order to maintain him as the 7-8 stars player for more seasons to come. Knowing, that he will start to slow down in gaining in two seasons time. That I have only as many greens as I can get from daily videos. (plus ~150 at the moment). What is the idea for doing it with the new training system? Powertraining at the beginning of each season to some level and then leaving him for season gaining?

How do you do with all the fast trainers? What is the moment, age of the player, when you start thinking of replacing him?

Any complete solution with current game conditions?