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Thread: Are the ML/MR positions wasted?

  1. #11
    MOU is offline
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by julien12 View Post
    I never get a lot of production, i.e. goals, assists, MOMs, from my ML or MR positions. Are there certain formations or orders (down both flanks - which I've tried and still don't get a lot) that help get better production from the ML or MR position?

    More and more I see formations with 2 MCs and no ML or MR. I think this is because the game has some bias against them.

    What do you think?
    I don't think like you. I tell you a little ...
    I never used ML or MR; I found them useless. My leaders in the field were always AML and AMR; the team scorers and in fact always stole the goals from my ST.

    But I had already spent many seasons with the worn equipment, without understanding the game idea, and I saw that I had to do a chip change. And that's where I tried to buy an ML and an MR. Since last season I am playing like this, and I have returned to fight for great things and obtaining great results.

    Before, i played with a 4-1-2-3. Now switch to the classic 4-4-2, and in fact having an ML and MR, they give me more options to play with different tactics.

    That is my vision, I hope you like it. Now these positions have become key in my team.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    I would go for mr/amr/amc and vice versa. If someting goes wrong during the game, swaping players between positions is an option to break resistance and consistency of oppo. wings(dl/ml) that have high match points.
    Last edited by RaiKo; 05-14-2020 at 08:09 PM.

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