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I play 4411, my AMC is my MVP.
Seeing an opposing DMC doesn't make me change anything, until I see poor ratings for AMC and good ones for DMC. if I have an up arrow, dmc has a down arrow, it can work favorably.
Here's what I'll try if things aren't working for my AMC because of opposing DMC:
Move AMC to a side position and/or change passing focus too 1 flank from through the middle (I have success with 4411 and any passing strategy depending on opponent).
Remove arrow from AMC, apply up arrow to a flank player.
Move mentality 1 degree more defensive
Replace AMC with DMC or ST if I'm winning or losing, respectively.
I've played seasons on end with "yellow caution" players out of position. It can work. At the same time, my AMC is consistently carded when I've moved him to MC in just a couple matches.