Again,again and again injuries!!! How can one player to be injured 4 time in one season??? 3 days,4 days,6 days and today again - 4 days! Hey,NORDEUS, I haven't bank to buy your st'pid tokens every day! If you want to kick me out - do it !!! Delete my account,delete my team....delete my profile here if you want! But I will never buy tokens again, NEVER!!!
One week no answer from anybody - moderators,administrators and blah,blah,blah... WHY? Because they don't know what to say!
Since: Nov. 2010 - Now: Level 27
- 1
- 0
- 1
goonskies, at least a weeks without an injury, a pure miracle. rags to riches, 2 daysish?
i honestly dont know how im pulling it off with goonskies other than only have 5 subs. i derped just now and instead of setting the players to normal, they were set to hard and boom, still no injuries
try cutting down your team, you should see fewer injuries
take my posts with a sack of salt
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The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
kudos to cat
Hello, I came here to complain they have not received my 300 tokens I bought, and I'm costing win team level below. I was also to be out of the league in season 8 and 9, if it does not improve and I do not reseber my 300 tokens will stop playing, if you do not take steps today I'm going to stop playing yet hj.grateful
Last edited by Jeffim Costa; 01-11-2014 at 04:23 PM. Reason: top eleven
If you are a token buyer, that does not mean, that your players wont get injured or they will be injured only 1 time per season. It's all random. Like in real players, many players have problems with getting injured many times. ( Bale, Eduardo etc ).But this is only my opinion. I also have many players injured and I don't like it, but I also can't change it...I have to deal with it...
The injuries here are not real! Every second team have minimum 3 or 4 injured players all the time!!! If one of them recover, immediately another one is injured... Is this a real?
New season begin and my adventure in "TOP DOCTOR" begun with 2 new fresh injuries /this is the first day/. Will see what happens later...