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No matter what the system, Will Never make everyone HAPPY!
There are a lot of posts in the forum, with people complaining that ended in a dead LEAGUE with a lot of abandoned teams, so it was boring, with no competition and that Nordeus, should delete the abandoned teams. It happened to me, the team with less troll results wins the LEAGUE.
I understand the point of those that play in the LEAGUE with friends, make the game more interesting and chalenging.
But there were conplains, because people used ghost teams to have advantage in LEAGUE. It happened to me, lost the title because a guy played with 3 accounts, that would have a stupid formation against him main team and a strong formation against all the other teams. That is 12 points advantage over the other teams.
Leagues based on average quality seem more FAIR, everyone have the same chance, but a token buyer, can stay in same level, and that can be frustating to them.
But at same time a person that cant buy or dont whant to buy tokens, have more chances to win titles and go to CL.
With this CL Will also have more diference in quality between teams, easyer fir those that buy tokens.
Again this can be manipulated, in one of my leagues a guy had 14 players, 8 or 9 were scouts and the rest were 1* players, that in reality only have quality 20 or 25, that LEAGUE was level 10 or 11 cant remember. He had the same average quality of the others, but in reality His first team quality was a lot higher that all the others. Without surprise won the LEAGUE.
So what would be the perfect method?
In my opinion
First should be friends, but with a limit, maybe 5 or 6 in same LEAGUE
Second quality, but with limits, 5/6 teams with 5* average or above, 5/6 teams between 3* and 4* average and 2/3 teams with 2* star or less average.
But this only a idea!