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Thread: am o dilema !

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Sunt nivelul 31 acum .Cu japca.In plus nu pot termina pe 20 fiind numai 14 echipe .Am ajuns pe 8 din greseala.Am avut meci in ultima etapa cu cineva care abandonase.Mai avea 3 jucatori.Am castigat fara sa vreau.Dar tot nu este corect.Mai am un cont de nivel slab.14.Si la ala am fost promovat de pe locul 10.La asta am fost promovat la nivelul 27 de pe locul 9.Vreau o solutie nu sa ma certe cineva ca sunt pe 9 sau 8.Vreau un raspuns de la un moderator care stie ce se intampla.Daca nu eu spun adio jocului.Si asa la nivelurile mari vor fi promovati toti pt. ca nu mai exista jucatori.In plus daca vrei sa iti dezvolti jucatorii trebuie sa ii folosesti pe posturile lor macar 15-16 etape.Daca nu ,nu se dezvolta.De asta am ajuns pe 8.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Baciu Adrian View Post
    Sunt nivelul 31 acum .Cu japca.In plus nu pot termina pe 20 fiind numai 14 echipe .Am ajuns pe 8 din greseala.Am avut meci in ultima etapa cu cineva care abandonase.Mai avea 3 jucatori.Am castigat fara sa vreau.Dar tot nu este corect.Mai am un cont de nivel slab.14.Si la ala am fost promovat de pe locul 10.La asta am fost promovat la nivelul 27 de pe locul 9.Vreau o solutie nu sa ma certe cineva ca sunt pe 9 sau 8.Vreau un raspuns de la un moderator care stie ce se intampla.Daca nu eu spun adio jocului.Si asa la nivelurile mari vor fi promovati toti pt. ca nu mai exista jucatori.In plus daca vrei sa iti dezvolti jucatorii trebuie sa ii folosesti pe posturile lor macar 15-16 etape.Daca nu ,nu se dezvolta.De asta am ajuns pe 8.
    scuze, am socotit etapele nu jucatorii.

    incearca sa termini pe 13 sau pe 14 si atunci nu cred ca vei mai promova.

    un moderator iti va spune acelasi lucru - din lipsa de echipe la nivelul respectiv sunt promovate atatea echipe cat este necesar pentru un clasament complet.

    eu nu te-am certat, nu am de ce. eu am incercat sa iti explic mecanismul si am incercat sa iti ofer solutia.

    daca esti la un nivel unde este deficit de jucatori si nu vrei sa promovezi, termina pe locul 13 sau 14.

  3. #13
    Newbie viracocha88's Avatar
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    Apr 2016
    Daca intri în joc de pe un sistem nou...telefon, tableta sau PC iti dă astfel de filmuleț o perioadă de timp după care foarte rar....

    Trimis de pe al meu SM-J500F folosind Tapatalk

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by viracocha88 View Post
    Daca intri în joc de pe un sistem nou...telefon, tableta sau PC iti dă astfel de filmuleț o perioadă de timp după care foarte rar....

    Trimis de pe al meu SM-J500F folosind Tapatalk
    filmuletele sunt disponibile pe ambele versiuni dar sunt oferite utilizatorilor de sistem mobil (tablete/telefon) nu sunt disponibile si utilizatorilor de PC (ne referim aici doar la ofertele pentru Romania)

    pentru utilizatorii de PC exista 1 singur filmulet pe zi atunci cand esti la inceputul jocului - aceasta oferta este limitata in timp - cca 2 saptamani, apoi nu mai este disponibila - eu nu am mai vazut un filmulet disponibil pe PC de cel putin 1 an

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Pentru Pc incerca sa te conectezi pe varianta FB acolo se mai gasesc filmulete (eu am 3 pe zi ) dar sunt in italia nu stiu pt romania
    florian slaniceanu likes this.

  6. #16
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Andrei View Post
    Pentru Pc incerca sa te conectezi pe varianta FB acolo se mai gasesc filmulete (eu am 3 pe zi ) dar sunt in italia nu stiu pt romania
    de aceea am si specificat - e poveste veche - pentru Romania nu exista filmulete, exista pentru Anglia, Italia, etc, dar nu pentru Romania.

    e vorba de reclama si marketing, pentru a exista filmulete trebuie sa existe firme care sa fie interesate pentru reclama , din pacate in Romania nu au fost gasiti doritori de asa ceva (am inteles ca cei de la Topeleven au incercat, dar fara succes)
    Adam Andrei likes this.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Cred si eu ca au incercat ) din ceea ce vad pe forum cel romanesc lasand de o parte cel englezesc este unul din cele mai bogate si sunt foarte multi utilizatori romani din tara sau din afara .
    florian slaniceanu likes this.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Salut. Vad ca vorbiti de VPN si ca ar fi ilegal...unde scrie in regulament despre asa ceva? Recent am inceput sa joc si nu vreau sa fac ceva ce sa-mi blocheze contul. Vad ca tokenii sunt foarte importanti si unele tari primesc mult mai mult decat altele...cum poate sa fie asta corect?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Nu tokenii sunt cei mai importanti. Iti iei un jucator bun si tinar chiar si cu un token. Secretul sta in pachetele verzi. Daca ai suficiente il poti creste foarte repede. De aici si treaba cu VPN-ul. Din moment ce iti schimbi ip-ul pentru a-ti crea un avantaj nu stiu daca e tocmai 'legal'. Si bineinteles ca nu este corect ca unele zone geografice sa aiba acest avantaj dar asta este sistemul si nu cred ca putem schimba ceva. Este la latitudinea fiecaruia daca se merita riscul de a fi banat.
    Last edited by snakkke; 06-18-2016 at 05:57 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Liviu Júnior View Post
    Salut. Vad ca vorbiti de VPN si ca ar fi ilegal...unde scrie in regulament despre asa ceva? Recent am inceput sa joc si nu vreau sa fac ceva ce sa-mi blocheze contul. Vad ca tokenii sunt foarte importanti si unele tari primesc mult mai mult decat altele...cum poate sa fie asta corect?
    in ceea ce priveste VPN- ul cred ca un administrator iti va spune ce si cum si unde scrie

    uite aici un extras din termenii de utilizare (din pacate sunt doar in engleza:


    5.1. We reserve the right to suspend, modify, remove and/or add to any of the Services in Our sole discretion with immediate effect and without notice and We will not be liable for any such action. We further reserve the right to suspend Your use of the Service from time to time.

    5.2. You acknowledge that Your failure to comply with the Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policy may result in You being excluded from accessing the Service. In addition, legal action may be brought against You for breach of these Terms of Service where appropriate and as further specified in these Terms of Service.

    5.3. We forbid the use of all unfair practices when using the Services. We do this to protect Our users and the integrity of the Services. If any user is found to be participating in any form of collusion or other activities that We consider to constitute cheating his or her Account may be permanently closed.

    5.4. We forbid the posting of any prohibited Third Party Content (see Section 10 below).

    5.5. Subject to these Terms of Service, We grant You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable limited licence, to access and use the Service. Any use of the Service in violation of these Terms of Service is strictly prohibited and may result in the immediate revocation of Your limited licence granted hereunder, and may subject You to liability for violations of law. Any attempt by You to disrupt or interfere with the Service, including undermining or manipulating the legitimate operation of the Service, is a violation of these Terms of Service and may be a violation of criminal and civil laws.

    5.6. In Your use of the Services or your activities on the Services, You agree not to:

    reveal any personal information about another individual, including another person’s address, phone number, email address, credit card number or any information that may be used to track, contact or impersonate that individual without their consent;
    attempt to impersonate any other party;
    mislead others as to the origins of Your communications;
    trick, defraud or mislead Us and other users, especially in any attempt to learn sensitive information;
    make improper use of Our support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct;
    engage in any commercial activities, including, without limitation, any attempt to raise money for anyone or advertise or promote a product, service, website, Ponzi scheme or other multi-tiered marketing scheme;
    disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in Our opinion, Us and/or the Service;
    violate these Terms of Service or any local, state, federal or international law, rule or regulation or any other requirements or restrictions;
    disseminate or transmit viruses, worms, Trojan horses, RATs, keyboard loggers, time bombs, spyware, adware, cancelbots or any other malicious or invasive code or program;
    upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or to transmit) viruses, Trojan horses or other material, including excessive use of capital letters and spamming (continuous posting of repetitive text) that interferes with any party’s uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the Service and User Content (as the term is defined below) or modifies, impairs, disrupts, alters or interferes with the use, features, functions, operation or maintenance of the Service and the User Content;
    copy or adapt the Service’s software including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript or other code;
    reverse engineer, decompile, reverse assemble, modify or attempt to discover any software (source code or object code) that the Service creates to generate web pages or any software or other products or processes accessible through the Service;
    create adaptations of the Services or derivative works based on the Services;
    attempt to hack, distribute, modify, transmit, harm, cheat or misuse the Services;
    upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or to transmit) any material that acts as a passive or active information collection or transmission mechanism, including, without limitation, clear graphics interchange formats (“gifs”), 1×1 pixels, web bugs, cookies or other similar devices (sometimes referred to as “spyware”, “passive collection mechanisms” or “pcms”);
    except as may be the result of standard search engine or internet browser usage, use or launch, develop or distribute any automated system, including, without limitation, any spider, robot (or “bot”), cheat utility, scraper or offline reader that accesses the Service, or use or launch any unauthorised script or other software;
    cover or obscure any notice, banner or advertisement on the Service;
    disguise the source of Your User Content or other information You submit to the Service or use tools which anonymise Your internet protocol address (e.g. anonymous proxy) to access the Service;
    interfere with or circumvent any security feature of the Service or any feature that restricts or enforces limitations on use of or access to the Service or the User Content;
    sell the Service or any part thereof, including but not limited to, and access to it in exchange for real currency or items of monetary value; or
    engage in cheating or any other activity deemed by Us to be in conflict with the spirit or intent of the Service.

    5.7. It is Your responsibility to provide all equipment and/or software which may be necessary in order for You to access the Service, including, but not limited to, a mobile device which is compatible with the Service if applicable.

    5.8. For the avoidance of doubt, should You incur any fees in accessing the Service (e.g. internet charges and/or mobile device fees) it shall be Your sole responsibility to pay those fees."

    in ceea ce priveste ofertele gratuite aici e o chestie simpla: - exista sponsori = exista oferte

    atata timp cat in Romania nu este nimeni interesat sa isi faca reclama prin acest joc, nu o sa existe oferte, ofertele existente in Romania si in celelalte tari (alea multe) nu apartin Nordeus (TopEleven), acele oferte apartin unor firme care isi fac astfel reclama, asta e situatia si nu putem schimba nimic
    Last edited by florian slaniceanu; 06-18-2016 at 07:18 AM.
    madflo19 and Adam Andrei like this.

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