This might sound really dick'ish, but here goes.
FCB3, can you please stop asking which formations to use, and wether you should buy a player or not, every 5 mins.
I come on this section of the forum to read match reports and see how other teams are doing, not to read you asking for advice every 5 mins.
According to your info you've won the treble, and youre level 3, so that means you should know what you're doing by now.
You seem to post it here rather than the tactics and formations section because you only seem to value July Fourth's opinion, so maybe PM'ing him will be the best thing to do.
We might as well be managing your team for you, there's a reason the forum has many sub categories.
Liverpool FC - Team Showcase
"You'll Never Walk Alone."
I don't claim to be a Top Eleven expert but, if anyone would like advice, please don't hesitate to contact me through 'private messaging', I try to reply as soon as possible.
If everyone had that mentality, then general discussion would be the only section on the forum worth using.
Plain lazy mate, people have put loads of time and effort into making guides that answer nearly every question you put here, might be worth reading them.
In regards to ignoring them, i do most of the time, but it's the fact that i have to trawl through it all to find stuff worth reading.
Last edited by Sxrenity; 07-21-2013 at 04:57 PM.
Liverpool FC - Team Showcase
"You'll Never Walk Alone."
I don't claim to be a Top Eleven expert but, if anyone would like advice, please don't hesitate to contact me through 'private messaging', I try to reply as soon as possible.
I like to read guides and try to follow you may see my posts for which already you can see the answer but I post when they dont work for me ... I don't want to ask every time either and wait for the response ... but its happening ... okay I will try to limit my posts ...
inbelieve that it doesn't work for you every day. lol.
Sxrenity : close your eyes, but i agree that it should better to have an other threat like : formation, urgent help. This thread now look like team showcase and chat box lol, The facts that people ask about formation beacause table of counter doesn't work well anymore. I have really douts about them
Last edited by tongly45; 07-21-2013 at 05:27 PM.
Palaiseau FC in Sever 46
season 28, level 28
(*) updated at 1-June-2015
competition Played 1st 2nd top4 last win current season(*) League 28 19 6 2 season 27 ..... Champions league 26 7 1 6 season 25 ........ Cup 26 2 2 3 season 7 .......
@FCB3, let's going bed!!it was too late
Congratulation Arsenal!!
Hope these thread could help you, Formation-Tactic and GUIDE