Originally Posted by
Dude, you dont know me and have not read many of my posts. I may sound negative about many things about T11, but they are deserved.
I dont make **** up. I dont cry about things. I simply state how things are. I am a gamer and have excelled at many a game, but T11 makes it hard to do so without spending money. There are always cases where there is success without spending and many of the people on this forum who dont spend go out of their way to advertise this, which is fine, but it is a small sample of the T11 population.
Facts are facts: the game is on the middle of a fence between a good game and a ****ty game...which side will it land on? Only time will tell, but the way things are going in terms of gameplay, I would bet the farm that something else is coming along that will prove T11 to be on the **** side.
Really? you dare speculate that I make horrific life decisions? You dont know me or anything about my life, but you think you can know who or what I am by the negative posts on this forum? Focus on the game and its negative aspects before you focus on the people complaining about it, because at the end of the day, people only complain when they experience something bad. IF its just a few people complaining, then you can probably put it down to them being chronic complainers, but if a ton of people complain, then the odds are that the fault lies in the game itself.
So before you sit yourself on that golden throne of yours, you might want to use your 12 posts in this forum to gain some perspective. In 8 months I have learned alot about this game and the people who play it. what I have not been able to learn is 100% of the games rules or how the game works. This is apparently a company secret and it has taken many many many months of hard work by forum members to determine rules and aspects of gameplay that were never revealed and/or confirmed by Nordeus, for whatever reason. that makes it a challenge for some and a nuisance for others.
By all means, advise the OP to come to his own conclusions, which is great advice, as I tend to advise people to do the same, but you have to give them as much information as possible in order for them to make intelligent, informed decisions. Just playing the game is not enough to do so. Coming here to the forum, reading and doing your own testing/investigating is most likely the best thing someone can do in order to come to an informed, intelligent decision on whether to continue to play this game.
So before you advise others to ignore my "crying" and "horrible life decisions", you might want to do some serious reading in this forum. I GUARANTEE you that you will quickly change your tone once you do.
FYI, this game for me is a boredom killer, and these days, its barely that anymore. I am just hanging around now to complete my stadium and "finish" this game...because thats what I do - I succeed at games and finish them. (I still have to kill the joker in Batman:asylum, but since I moved to Spain with no XBOX, I am sad for not finishing it, but I WILL...dammit, so CLOSE!!!)
Colin OUT!