Max Level of SWAG :cool :
welcome back mo! good job on the league!
looks like that real madrid team needs a few more joe harts to stay up top lol
Welcome back, the forum was is not the same without you.
Hey all.
Quick history of myself in the game. I started playing the game last season and probably more by luck won a double being the cup and league title. This 46th season i started out with the intention of getting to know the game engine and strategy a lot better.
I play a 4-5-1 V-style which for me looks like a neat combination attacking down the flanks with generally a normal mind set.
This season was tight for me. I was trailing 1st by 1 point till the second last game to an oppenent and i luckily pushed through ending the season 71 points.
Want to thank you guys for providing new managers with a discussion area. From a few of the posts pages I have read it all seems you guys have colourful personalities
Hope you guys can further my grasp of the game ^^ and perhaps I can help others (more unlikely)
This season saw me win another double. League and Champions league. Getting knocked out of the Cup by 2 draws and having less away goals.
Only lost 1 game this season but feel that level 3 Manager will have more challenges for me. Hopefully I can build further. Though I foresee myself eventually tanking a season.
2nil down in the 1st half of my 1st game of the season, bot set his team to 3-1-3W-1-2 so I changed my WD formation to 4-2(DMC)-2(AMC)-2 and won it 2-4.
My big buy ST from last season got injured for 5 games alreadyruining what would have been a good start to the season.
I re-signed a player last season and sold him earlier today, some small change that I would have lost if I didnt renew
So had a worried start to the season, I was silly enough to spend 10 tokens on upgrading my youth academy (liked the cosmetic look) and as a player that doesn't buy tokens, it will leave me to pick up players later on the season so I can avoid this intense time of bid wars.
On a more positive note, my V style demolished my opponent's 3-4-3 (likely a person who manages his team now and then) 6-1 at home. Apparently my keeper mistimed his clearance allowing them to slip in a goal but oh well. He was rank 5 to my rank 3, but his quality wasn't awfully lot higher than mine. (Had some key purchases and luck with starting squad seeming to be decent back in season 1 and 2 for me)
Moving onto the away leg tomorrow will be keen to see if he pitches up and tries to turn my 5 goal difference in aggregate or just abandon it for this season.
Hope you guys kicked off your Cup with great performances as well.
This sucks! i got trolled 3-nil away
Started with 3-2-2-2-1 Butterfly vs his 4-4-2, then switched to 3-4-1-2 when 1 goal down then lost 2 goals.
We were evenly matched team-wise, but his squad is 3* while mine is 2. His 1st 11 were all 3*, mine were a mix of 4, 3 and 2*.
So now, I'm knocked out of the Cup already on the 1st round. Top 2 players' morale deteriorated to Poor and my Keeper's morale also down to Poor after playing a friendly match.
Has anyone every had only 1 keeper in the squad for a period of time? My other keeper retired but I'm waiting to see what I get from the U21 in 5 days time
Last edited by Zangy; 11-18-2013 at 09:02 PM.
I've just got promoted into Div 6, I reached the Champions league final twice in a row and lost both, but had a cr*p season last time and got knocked out on GD because of a heavy defeat, but my target is to Win a trophy, not a runner up trophy, a winners trophy.