Again that same question...

Nordeus Generated Players are players automatically generated by NORDEUS...They have the following qualities :
1) Their price is very high as compared to other players of the same level...
2) Since they are generated by NORDEUS they do not belong to any human managed clubs...
3) They have funny club names like FC Nutty, FC Lazy, Sick FC etc...
4) They are generally of age 18...
5) They mostly perform like a BOSS...
6) They generally do not get injured...
7) They are super fast trainers...
8) If you are the OLD MARKET then on the day 1 of new season in the starting hours you can find them in abundance...
9) Generally available in the market before and after the daily server reset...
10) Their selling prices are always set to maximum...
11) Some times they are even born with Special Ability...This mostly means if you spot a 18 year old with SA then he is a NORDEUS GEN..
12) After recruiting them if you go in message section and click on their CLUB name it will display a message some thing like this : The information for this club is not available...
