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Some players seem to go through cycles where they are great or poor. I suppose my advice would depend on what your current squad options and token levels are.
Do you have suitable cover to drop him for a game or two - or is he a player who would be an important cog in your team? If its the latter, then maybe he is worth sticking with. Sometimes a player that is dreadful one season will become your star player the next.
I'd also say it would depend on your token level. If you are on a limited budget, it isn't really economical to ditch the player, as you will need to use more tokens to get a replacement in. Obviously if you have hundreds/thousands of tokens, then splashing out on a new player is slightly easier.
I personally would stick with him for a while longer. Even if not playing him for the rest of this season, using the theory that some players who are dreadful one season are great the next, he could become really usef ul to you next season.