3 injuries after just 1 match, too much already!
3 injuries after just 1 match, too much already!
In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.
I feel your pain, I lost my first cup match 2-1 at home and three of my players got injured. Today I play against my opponent and I'm most likely out in the first round. Stupid game!
So basically what we've got is either Nordeus upped the injury button for some people because they "hate" you or you simply might be overlooking something because other managers are doing just fine.
Not so many achievements:
Team's showcase: The PaceWhores (Lithuanian team)
Season(lvl) League Champions l. Cup 1(1) 1st - Prel. 2(2) 1st 3rd Top 16 3(3) 1st Top 16 Playoffs 4(4) tbc. tbc. Playoffs
Or.......it's just the law of averages.
In a game like this, whilst the vast majority of players will have a 'normal' amount of injuries, a small amount will be at one end of the scale with hardly any, and another small amount will be at the other end of the scale with half the team out.
Obviously the guy with half his team injured is going to feel slightly more picked on and complain than the player with a full healthy squad.
As for 'settings' etc I play 'hard' attacking/hard tackling/whole pitch pressing, I've done that for around the last 15 seasons and I probably get a player injured every 4 or 5 games.
Last season I had 4 injuries the whole season from actual playing. I power train a lot of youth academy guys so get the usual amount there, but that just goes with the territory.
Law of averages it is. I've been keeping a log of injuries the last 3 seasons, and overall totals are remarkably similar - I got 6 injuries in 3 days to end last season, but still had 15 total for the season, vs 17 and 15 in the previous 2 seasons:
Insisting that probabilities have been tweaked (which invariably people do, every season) based on their team having a horror run just shows a basic ignorance of probability theory.
I average an injury every 2nd day* - annoying, but managable (OK, I can farm packs watching videos on iPhone). That's with a 22 man squad, operating on rotation so most of the time players only have 1 game a day - I'm already out of the Cup this season, so there'll be a lot of friendlies this season. I try to have players at 85%+ conditioning going into a match, I train my players to have strong physical attributes, and I prioritise pitch improvements.
*Well, every 1.78 days to be more precise)
In my first game this season I just signed a new striker and he got injured for 11 days. Gotta live with it I guess.
Seasons - 3 (On 4th)
League Titles Won - 2
Cups Won - 0
Cup Finalist - 1
Champions League Wins - 2
Champions League Finalist - 2
Invincible in the League - 1
Check me out on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8q...j8QSv-_WXN0tEw
It would mean a lot to check me out, like and sub!
Not to linger too long on this subject, but just wanted to ask you guys. Out of 10 times assigning to your player's "Physical & Mental" (+) button has 'Aggression' popped up? 1 out of 5 times? Or more like 3 to 4 times out of 5, maybe? Just wanted to know? Again this maybe season/level dependent.
In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.