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Thread: Now let me tell you my pain...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Ok now, An absolute piece of garbage of a game and of a team....

    Now let me tell you my pain...-goals.jpg
    Now let me tell you my pain...-statistics.jpg
    Now let me tell you my pain...-ratings.jpg

    Ok now what the hell to do?

    GK Fernandez my opinion man of the match. He saved 4-5 goals!!!
    DL and DR Ipen and Negraru UNEXISTABLE ON THE FIELD. haven't heard of them even 1 time but they do get both a 7 rating
    DC and DC Thomas Kulic I think if they were playing by themselves on the field the result would have been the same. Countless stops made by both of them, especially blocking the corner kicks.
    ML and MC Thys ( my guy ) and Jalsovec who'm a gave him a responsability of going down and helping the defence...CATASTROFAL. All he did is to foul 2 times and eat seeds during the match. Thys??? 3 FK's in a DANGEROUS position-3 aviatic shots. Go hit the plaine!
    MC Dam good-he tryed at least 4-5 shots and enetered in many combinations-unsuccessful though...
    AMC BUdvesel-1 shot in the hole match that was blocked, kicked him out for a ST in the second half. What kinf of player he is if he is pefrforming only against 3 star teams????? Bastard!
    ST Abdulahi and Staermose - like every match, 75% of the ocassions are made by them 2, shame they don't get any quality suport! Of course they also made the goal!

    Played Defense, own half, mixed, normal mixed zonal Counter ON, Offside OFF
    first half 55% possesion 7 Shots 0 on target - well done lads
    second half changed to 4-3-3 Offensive, all field, mixed, normal, Through the middle, zonal Counter OFF Offside OFF
    you saw much better statistics by the end of the match but mostly they came from long range shots without any target

    Bottom line I have 5 good players in my team that are performing match in and match out despite the opponent. GK-DC-DC-ST-ST
    Rest of them a bunch of Top eleven sell outs that act like freaking bots send by nordeus to **** me everytime i get to face a decent team.
    Last edited by Doru Octavian Iancu; 01-04-2015 at 10:57 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Plenty of heavy matches left to play. 5 points away of getting kicked out of the first 4 and it seems like it's going to happen.
    Everyone from top 7 is winning except me.
    last 3 matches 2 losses and 1 draw.
    And still I have to play NR 1, 4 and 5.
    14 points away from the leader that has same team like me! Kudos T 11
    Last edited by Doru Octavian Iancu; 01-04-2015 at 11:00 AM.

  3. #23
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    LOL Dash Berlin
    up up trance music lol

    The SA mean nothing, prove another in fouls, a defense, Thomas for example (do some friendleis if you can^^using subs to dont waste condition of usual team) , in both positions. That's very important, if you have only 1 foul in the match and u score.
    looking at this I think you will go better with a formation like this last, with more people in attack, and some new player.
    Add all the cones in the phisical skills to increase speed all you can.

    And if you can continue posting here to see what happen with what you prove, can be ineresting for players in same situation that sometimes come here explaining the same. I think that we, all the old manages, had some season like this mate.

  4. #24
    Apprentice Crister's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Doru Octavian Iancu View Post
    Plenty of heavy matches left to play. 5 points away of getting kicked out of the first 4 and it seems like it's going to happen.
    Everyone from top 7 is winning except me.
    last 3 matches 2 losses and 1 draw.
    And still I have to play NR 1, 4 and 5.
    14 points away from the leader that has same team like me! Kudos T 11
    Salut! Ai vreo 2 probleme de rezolvat in echipa din cate vad. Sa speram ca te ajuta ce iti zic eu:
    1)Cauta pe piata de transferuri 2 MC buni si inlocuieste-i pe aia care iau note slabe.
    2)Vad ca nu ai nici un jucator pentru atac pe flancuri,fara AML/ML si AMR/MR nu o sa faci nimic,iti garantez.
    Si pune atacantul cu specialitate de cornere sa iti bate cornerele si pe celalalt atacant la lovituri libere. Degeaba are MC-ul specialitate de lovituri libere,ca daca nu e in forma iti da toate mingiile in tribuna Bafta!
    Last edited by Crister; 01-04-2015 at 11:38 AM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Salut Crister si mersi de sfaturi.
    1. Prefer sa astept pana la inceputul sezonului urmator sa fac transferuri sa nu pierd o stea degeaba.
    2. Nu imi plac formatiile cu AMR AML.
    Cat despre atacanti asta am incercat acum in cele 3 amicaluri jucate. Cel ce bate cornere o face foarte bine dar celalalt nu prea da randamente la lovituri libere.

  6. #26
    Apprentice Crister's Avatar
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    La lovituri libere incearca-i pe toti. Cateodata cei mai buni executanti sunt fundasii,acum cateva sezoane portarul mi-a dat vreo 15 goluri din lovituri libere tot sezonul
    Mijlocasii centrali sunt o problema,daca nu sunt in forma s-ar putea sa ai probleme ca esti prins pe contra atac cand gresesc pase la mijlocul terenului sau faulteaza mult,de aia trebuie sa cumperi cat de multi pe sezon pana in gasesti pe aia buni. Si foarte important nu mai cumpara vreodata de la impresar. 90% sunt praf acolo.
    Si de ce iti zic sa folosesti AML/AMR? Pentru ca AMC-ul e foarte usor de blocat,de aia cei mai multi dintre ei sunt invizibili pe teren,iar unele formatii gen 4-3-3 sau 4-1-2-1-2 nu pot fi contrate decat cu atac pe flancuri.De aia nu iti creezi sanse de gol prea multe,pentru ca AMC-ul si mij centrali nu ajuta deloc atacul si cum ai zis mai devreme,numai cei doi atacanti creeaza sanse. Intleg ca nu iti plac formatiile cu AML/AMR,dar o sa iti fie mai usor cu ele.
    Si inca cateva detalii daca te intereseaza,despre punctele de abilitate: La ST,MC,AMC pune-le pe toate pe ofensiv si pe fizic si mental,iar la DMC,fundasi si portar pe defensiv si fizic si mental,o sa te ajute mult asta.

  7. #27
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    Mar 2014

    just played 3 friendly matches and discover couple of interesting things.
    Have a look first of the line-up.
    Now let me tell you my pain...-friendly-4-jan-good-3-results.jpg

    Hrinca the striker I don't use too often due to lack of performances seems to play very well as an AMC. Great atribution in delivering good passes and he is scorring as well.

    Both Schmeig and Radomlek got a constant 7-8 playing as DML and DMR. ( first time I play this formation )

    Ipek the one that plays not in a constant way as DL seems in a 3D formation he is playing in a higher quality-scorred also 1 goal.

    And Cuartas my black sheep seems to play surprisingly well as MC with blue arrow being very present in all 90 minutes of the match. Scorred also 2 goals in 3 friendly matches and made also 1 assist. Great help for defense as well by blocking many shots. Can't believe it!

    As for goals concieded guess what? Every match I got goals from corners. What a surprise.
    In all 3 matches I recieved beetween 1 and 2 goals. First match ended 4-2, second one 2-2 and won at penalties, last one 5-1.

    I started all matches with normal tactics, no offside no counters. Against some teams goes well against other not so much. In every 2'nd half I swicthed on attacking mentality with all field and Offside traps ( added arrows on both DML'R). Dominated each time and managed to scorre plenty of goals when playing like this.

    The teams I play against were higher level and 4-5 Star teams with couple of SA players in their squad.
    Last edited by Doru Octavian Iancu; 01-04-2015 at 12:34 PM.
    khris likes this.

  8. #28
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doru Octavian Iancu View Post
    Guys thank you all for the replyes.


    Ok I'll test for today's match ( and then some friendly matches ) 4-3-1-2. I put ML As MC and red arrow on him, same as my good MC, and Jalsovec is assigned to help the defence as my next opponent plays with 2 ST and I've got only 2 DC's and not DMC tu support.
    Will play against a 3-2W-3-2 which prooves to be a pain in the ass sometimes.
    I will start the match in Defensive with counters on untill half time.

    My team:

    Attachment 35113


    Attachment 35114

    I'm looking forward to this match, as it's easy considering I'll have to play 3 derbyes with better teams for this end of season.

    And thank you @nikolgiorgos. I will give it a shot right away. I'm testing the defensive tactics and will keep an eye to see who's underperforming.
    1.Vezi ca formatia 4-3-1-2 nu e buna...acel AMC sta degeaba pe teren
    2.Incearca sa nu mai cumperi jucATORI tineri dimineata,de preferat cu abilitate...
    3.Ai prea multi impresari...Multi dintre ei sunt mai degeaba...Cu 50 tokeni,cumpar o echipa intreaga diminteata...
    4.INcearca sa stabilesti o formatie stabila,gen 4-3-3 simplu sau 4-4-2 classic...
    Cam atat poti sa salvezi...Sunt multe echipe trolllate,asa ca nu esti un caz unicat...O zi buna...
    5.Moralul si conditia jucatorilor...

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    @ Doru Octavian Iancu pe ce loc esti in clasament cu echipa asta?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Ștefan Tomescu View Post
    @ Doru Octavian Iancu pe ce loc esti in clasament cu echipa asta?
    pe 3 si eliminat din toate competitiile din primele faze.

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