So from where should I begin?
Level 11 team, invested almost every season from 5-20 Euros into buying tokens ( not gonna happen anymore Nordeus ).
First 5 seasons...flawless. 5 league wins, 1 Cup and 2 CL's. Pretty good right? Considering since the first season I had very difficult leagues with at least 2-3 5-6 stars teams and very competitive.
From season 6? Let's see
nothing, nothing, nothing, 1CL league

, nothing, nothing, nothing !
This season after I invested again 20 E at the beggining of it, bough 3-4 good scout players just to keep my almost 6 stars in shape.
Champions league: 2 points in 6 matches - the weakiest team in 32 teams.
Cup: Knocked out from a barely 5 start team and no special abilities to any of it's players!
League: Well it's still under way, 3'rd place, Lost all matches of the season against all teams with 5 stars!
have a look at my team and feel my dissapointment!
Attachment 35063
You can easily allign a team with 6 starts and most of players having a SA!
Tried all posible formations that I know they might work after maybe a thousands games played!
Moral maximum, Bonus for victory, bench players with bad form, play friendlyes...been there , did all!
Bottom line: Since couple of seasons ( and it's becoming more obvious day by day ) every 5 star team kicks my ass no matter of what !
First guy in my league has same team value and he is winning every single league by FAR ! And he plays 4-4-2 since I know him.
Please advice me what to do now! This is already what I'm planning to do starting from next season:
-Never invest a penny anymore
-Change most of my team and keep only the players that really played good no matter of what ( got 3-4 in my team )
Anything else is above me. I feel like a plant. This game is playing me, not viceversa and it's far away from reality.
Happy new year!
PS: Did all the reading posible here on the forum, so most of the answers I've seen them already. I posted more to show everyone how stupid I feel, and it feels good. Nevertheless every comment is more then welcomed!