Yes, I like it
No, I don’t like it
Needs more improvement
Good job!
But am i wrong? i don't see the notification for announcing a match? If it is true, it's a big mistake.
and you need ti put a number for the condition.. not only the color.
I assume your comment is aimed at my capitalised comments above, i really do not wish Nordeus to fail. I've played for and promoted for 32 seasons, ive seen stupid changes, but this could be the worse, ive also seen managers quit in 10's 0f 1000's ,even more because of previous stupid changes and the fact they do not listen. This is why they had to merge servers recently ,to cover the widening gaps,i just feel it will happen again if they realize too late
Lgue Wins 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,24,25, 26,27,28,29,30,35,38,40,42,45,46,48,56,59
R/Up 10,19,22,23,32,34,41,43,47,52
3rd place 31,33,36,37,44,53
Ch Lgue Wins 9,12,17,23,25,27,28,30,42,47
R/Up 10,13,16,40
CUP Wins 11,12
R/Up 23
I´m so sad about the auto add of skill points
I want condition % back And know for sure when they are 99% before match start And train SA And positions also must come back old version was much better
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi, i only registered to share my feedback about improvable features in the new version (sorry for my English, it's not my first language):
Condition and morale: Where are the exact % values? Many players take it in acount the exact value especially when training. It's fun to adjust the training to fit exact 99% for the match. I can't understand this decision.
Training: I can understand the change so that the points are assigned immediately after training, but the method to choose which skill is improved is really bad. You must check player by player before the training. I much prefer the previous method. Again, it's more fun to have things to do that the "auto" feature but checking daily player by player can be tedious.
Transfers: Now you can't see at a glance if a player is a free agent. Again you should check one by one which is at least tedious. What was wrong with the (s) in the old list?
Grounds: Now there's no list to check the level and possible extension. You must check again one by one. What before was one click and a simple list, now are twelve clicks and a very good memory. Do u want to improve our memory and motor skills?
Formations: The arrows are really hard to see (almost impossible if your team wear in green and black). Any problem with really visible old blue and red?
Design: Need more time to check. Looks fine but I still have not got used to it. We'll see if it is a step forward or not.
And that's all for today. In summary there have been many things that have taken a step backwards.
This has also happened to me. Trained my players on the new mobile app and I saw no skill points awarded at all. I also assumed that that had been automatically assigned, could somebody confirm if this is the case? If there are any Mods here or Nodeus staff, could you please inform us what the situation is with allocating individual skill points after training session/s on the mobile app?
The game mechanics is one thing, among 1,5 million users not everybody like everything, that it. If there are bugs in assigning skill points I am sure they will be adressed.
What made me vote I dont like the update is the graphics. Menu-based, cluttered, my medium-sized fingers just cannot click where I want and my old age sight cant see what is going on in the menus. Probably some of these things will be adressed too! What made me love the app versions was they were less cluttered then the browser version.
Going away from an icon-based graphical experience to a menu-based is weird. Now I leave this thread for others.