Originally Posted by
PaCe Ros
Everybody was playing it with basic graphics, in the older version. Yet the concept, and the people playing it , made it an cool game. For young and old, All over the world, wanna-be managers , competing and having fun with people who shared that passion and intrest.
As company you should do your best to take things a step further, improve it for your players/customers. Updates should be in favour to improving the experience of playing it, and not only focussed on earning more money, in unproportional fashion.
If things improve, nobody would be tripping over trying to earn more money.
Unfortunately, instead, due greed, Players are disgruntled, stepping away from the game, or moving over to other "similiar" games, because lets be frank, T11 wasn't and won't be the only football manager around.
Paying customers, are stopping to spend money , as they deem it useless or a waste of money.
Players that earned tokens by other means are quitting putting in the effort, and since with no tokens, in a token hungry game, theres no point (bad results) eventually they will quit too.
Players that just played for the competion and interaction, with other players, quit because soon it will lack other players. (allready does in some levels).
Offcourse some people don't mind the changes, and will continue to play..... power to them.
Just looking at all the polls though, the majority now playing, is feeling disgruntled or discontent. surily not all will leave, however the very same thing that made T11 (word to mouth , by friends and collegues) is the very same thing killing the animo to play this game.
Sure you can make an expensive commercial by Mourinho and a player, to get you new customers. If they had just improved the game FOR EVERYBODY , they wouldn't need to spend money on commercials. (yes, expensive..........Unless you actually believe they doing it for free, or for the love of the game) ...
They say, time is money...........how much do YOU value your time???
Having that said, in 10 seasons, I surily spent more than 500 euros on this "game" on tokens for scoutplayers(which often were just as effective as regular, healthpacks etc. Might seem much, and actually is, but was alll in the sake for the enjoyment and pleasure.
It took me time working, to earn that money. So in fact on that terms , at the end of the day we all spend our precious time, one way or another.
If you would ask me, wether now, I find it worth it...... All I can say is" I used to, now not anymore/Can't even be bothered to play it no more)....
On 1 side, I find it a shame/pity that they killed the game like that, on the other side I am happy that they showed me that my money has better ways to put to use.
Thats the only thing , I can really and sincerely thank Nordeus for, with their "Mother of all Updates".
Thanks, for saving me wasting more time and money.........
They say, "You reap....what you sow."
It has become that Nordeus as company has totally no respect for their "product" and "players"/consumers, Realise that customers on their turn, will have no respect for a company like yours.
Not all, but many like me for sure...............