View Poll Results: Do you like the new features and design in Top Eleven 2015?

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  • Yes, I like it

    66 15.71%
  • No, I don’t like it

    206 49.05%
  • Needs more improvement

    148 35.24%
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  1. #151
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Toulouse, France

    New version , great and bad things


    Congratulations to this new version. Very good for notes players etc...
    I have just see some bad things :
    - in french , the screen after a match where see notes of players is named "classement"... Big error of translation, it's "notes" and not "classement"
    - before, i saw the exact percentage of the condition of my players (also for moral), now it's not like that, just color... So it's a problem because i don't know if i can do training without the percentage...
    - training system : not see skill points! I want to assign my points, i see nothing, big problem...
    - last problem , new application use a lot battery on phone !!!! More and more that precedent version, please do better for that.

    Thanks you for all your job nordeus and i wait for answers
    Good game

  2. #152
    K_6 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100 dinara View Post
    And stop flooding as well.

    And just accept your error(s) ..or explain us, (even just try..) WHY it's better now.
    thanks too.

    edit: Do you mean what 1.59K tokens represent in euros..? People paid for something, and you change the spirit of the game we loved for several years, the game we support, the game we spend hours an hours...
    At this time i'd really be "happy" (not exactly but my english is too poor to express it) to get my money back from those tokens, even half price or less..
    Last edited by K_6; 01-26-2015 at 04:30 PM.

  3. #153
    Rookie Zan Barrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaizer Franz View Post
    We don't care about " real life " excuses !!!!! leave your computer or your smartphone and go play real football in this case !

    You know that you have destroy tons of hours of power training , people who were working to complete special abilities or new roles ? O r strategy marketing to let a player at only one skill of next star ! You know this ???? Are you aware ? And no excuses from you to thoses players ????? No warning !!!!

    IT IS A SHAME ( une honte ! )
    You can still make a player stop on one skill point before next star. The thing you can't do is continue to train them and not post the skill gains. Why would you want to do that anyway? They will be lost. Just stop training or playing them and they will remain on the negotiation market.

    To manage where the skills go, go to your player and click on the skill area that you want to focus on. Your gains will go there. I don't have a player with special skill training now so can someone confirm that you can choose special skill training to receive the new skill points?

  4. #154
    Join Date
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    This auto assign feature is not cool at all mate, i'm telling you got a 139 lvl player and you wanna sell it to buy another player and all of a sudden the app assigns skill points to that player and you get him to level 140 which is practically impossible to sell, i wouldn't buy such a player my self so why should other do. SO A BIG NO TO AUTO ASSIGN SKILL POINTS, PRETTY UNCOOL

  5. #155
    Join Date
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    because i like to joke around ))

  6. #156
    Join Date
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    Yeah, its the best update in the History of Top Eleven......
    K_6 likes this.

  7. #157
    Rookie Zan Barrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaCe Ros View Post
    Nicely said.....amen to that.
    Guys just remember there are 1.5Mil users for this app. There are 26 (at last count) in this forum who don't like the changes. Most because they have not played with the app enough to see how they can work what they want. relax. take a bit of time to see what is going on and then have constructive criticism. threatening to leave the game is useless. remember there are 1.5 Mil users.
    dave1311 likes this.

  8. #158
    Rookie Zan Barrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dean_1 View Post
    This guy looks determined to defend Nordeus at all cost...
    No I am being reasonable. I have no relations with the company but I feel that the attacks are unfair. Just think if you are on the programming team how would you feel? People have not even looked at how to manage the app yet and all they can do is complain.

    If someone from Nordeus can help with two things please:

    Can you see the % of energy and moral anywhere now?
    I have seen a report that you can't change tactics during a game is that true or can you guide us on how to do that please.
    Last edited by Zan Barrage; 01-26-2015 at 04:37 PM.
    Dean_1 likes this.

  9. #159
    Dreamer seanmeg's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Zan Barrage;319326]You can still make a player stop on one skill point before next star. The thing you can't do is continue to train them and not post the skill gains. Why would you want to do that anyway? They will be lost. Just stop training or playing them and they will remain on the negotiation market.

    Its obvious ,i have a 24yr MC 179.8-180-180 now ,he also has 25 skillpoints accrued with 12 days left too increase this. Meaning if i find a great replacement at beginning of next season he'll sell well or negotiate great price,but if replacement is scarce or too expensive then i can add maybe 40 or so skillpoints towards next level and renew his contract, i would have the option though

    Last edited by seanmeg; 01-26-2015 at 04:41 PM.
    Dean_1 and reddeviljohn like this.

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I hate this new idea, one of the best things about this game was all the different ways to win and ways to train players and set up their skills.

    I can't imagine that anyone here wants it so we all have to play the same way. This looks like it is progressing to the only way to win is to spend a bunch of money on tokens.

    I was expecting some huge new features, something that will really make the game special with as much as they hyped this up. I haven't downloaded the update, but I have asked several people to name one single useful new feature on the update, but aside from graphics, they cannot do that!

    This update is a huge step in the wrong direction and is going to lessen the user experience for most of us. I can't even say I'll accept the bad with the good, because honestly I can't see anything "good" about it. Even if I didn't know there were serious strings attached to updating, I wouldn't be rushing to download this update because quite frankly from what I hear, it doesn't do anything.

    If you wish to cite "realism", then how about only taking our tokens if we win a player? In real life you don't pay a cent unless you actually win your auction. You can't be picking and choosing when you use realism and when you don't, that'll just upset people more, especially when your unrealistic places result in people having to dig into their wallet.

    Happy customers will pay more and bring in more happy customers. I have recommended this game to many people, but in its current state I cannot in good faith suggest someone begin to play it. A group of friends of mine, several of which DO buy tokens and pay to play this game are saying they want no part of this and will be finding another game.

    Overall I have to give this an 0/10, no progress was made, and you all managed to piss off a lot of people. Remove the auto assign and I'd bump it up to about a 3 or 4, nothing really positive was done, but at least nothing disastrous either, however in many cases the damage is already done.
    spornybol, przemas_l and Artess like this.

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