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Thread: Season 65

  1. #31
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    I've learned lots. To not mess with my team too much during games. When to hold players and when to sell them when to put points in and when to hold.. That buying a 35 yr 3* striker on a free for my last match of last season and watching him score in his debut and finale was much more satisfying then it sounds. Squad rotation is important and morale doesn't always have to be superb for 7+ form.

    I placed 3rd last season after dropping 2 games to mid table clubs I underestimated and used reserves against and losing 2-1 to my main rival at home in week 23 . Cup quarter. CL semifinal.
    Level 5 now. I had 15mill to spend and 10 tokens after reset. I bought more tokens when I saw the crop of youngster Nordgens.
    Hopefully going to sell a couple players on Negotiations this year and make some of them back lol.
    I took the axe to the squad after losing my CL semifinal and had a lot of holes to replace. Bought 5 players so far, highlight being my 19yr old 44Q ST. I am still looking for a DML/ML as I only have one true ML in my squad ATM. I could use one more higher quality MC/AMC but then again so could we all. I only had 2 healthy strikers out of 3 total on the squad so I just picked up a 34yr old Fernando Torres on a free as a backup plan/injury prevention in cup/CL ties/ league bottomfeeders.

    My goals are the same as last season mostly. Beat that pesky Mourinho. (Closest attempt was 0-1 last season)Win the treble. Experiment a little bit with formations/tactics. Train a classic CF that dominates the air like nobody else in my Level. I'd like to get my GK a goal or two but I'm worried about using him for FKs lol.
    Last edited by HoofDaddy; 04-05-2015 at 10:51 AM.
    Cat Harrison and Buffs Mad like this.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Season 65-butd9.png

    Striker Jubilee Galindo left the club after 6 seasons... He played 153 games, scoring 84 goals and assisting 44 times... Galindo is Youth Academy product and had lousy career start in the 1st season... He improved performance remarkably when learned FK SA...

    Season 65-73.png

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    What have you learned from last season? thnk the learning starts now in the 2e season
    Where did you place last season? 1e and won the cup

    What's your current level? 2
    What's your budget for this season? 1.8 ml
    Who do you want to replace?2 star players
    What are your goals for this season? next round Cl and top 4 in league and a bigger stadium..thnk the 2e season is more complicated .

    Sd Eivissa go to the Top
    Cat Harrison and Buffs Mad like this.

  4. #34
    Pro munchen's Avatar
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    Feb 2014

    go go go !!!

    Season 65-screenshot_1.jpg

  5. #35
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Yes, i managed to sell two 29 yeared players I thought would cost me dearly. instead its 200 mil in or status quo

    Nordgens where are you know?
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -

  6. #36
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gert Funck View Post
    Yes, i managed to sell two 29 yeared players I thought would cost me dearly. instead its 200 mil in or status quo

    Nordgens where are you know?
    I'm looking for nordgens too or players on the transfer market that have a high market value, I missed the server opening this morning, but then again, the last 2 server openings only had 9 nordgens each, so I probably havent missed anything.

    I need to replace about half my team this season.
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  7. #37
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    What have I learned?

    Learned nothing this morning but it did remind me why I hate early morning Day1.

    " War! Hoo! What is it good for......."

    *runs around pannicking after looking at squad of 11 + 3 Stooges.*

    PS. My now 33 yo Left Winger.......btw did I mention his age, he's 33 you know....picked up MoM in Cup game this morning. Can I not apply for a special extension? .....for this 33 yo oldie who used to be 32 >.<

    He's between 32 and 34 now you know.

  8. #38
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffs Mad View Post
    What have I learned?

    Learned nothing this morning but it did remind me why I hate early morning Day1.

    " War! Hoo! What is it good for......."

    *runs around pannicking after looking at squad of 11 + 3 Stooges.*

    PS. My now 33 yo Left Winger.......btw did I mention his age, he's 33 you know....picked up MoM in Cup game this morning. Can I not apply for a special extension? .....for this 33 yo oldie who used to be 32 >.<

    He's between 32 and 34 now you know.
    Impressive old lad, that is was it 33 he is?

    All my playes have birthsday today.. isn't that just amazing
    Cat Harrison and Buffs Mad like this.
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -

  9. #39
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Gert Funck View Post
    Impressive old lad, that is was it 33 he is?

    All my playes have birthsday today.. isn't that just amazing
    T11 should sell Cake.

    Talking of Cake, or celebration, still waiting for my 1st Old School achievement. Must be 1 year real time since I started 8/4/14. *drums fingers*
    Last edited by Buffs Mad; 04-05-2015 at 02:46 PM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    What have you learned from last season?

    To never give up when you think you have no chance of winning the League. I was sitting in 8th after a few games but changed my squad around, invested in decent players by doing as much research as I can and then *poof*, I've won the League with one game to go.

    Buy loads of 5 star players on day 27 & 28 of the season as I have 7 days to sign them. They will go down to 4 stars for a week but by the time I have sold my other players I can sign these and they will go up to the bottom end of 5 stars, which is sufficient for me to win a league or place 2nd.

    Where did you place last season?

    League - 1st
    Champions League - Semi Final (Again...)
    Cup - Prelim round (for the 2nd season in a row...unsure why as I have had better ratings that the opponents just don't seem to strike it lucky.

    What's your current level?

    Level 8

    What's your budget for this season?

    I sit with £6.05m, 37T, 2 REDS, 0 BLUES, 147 GREENS. Signing 35T contract every ten days, farming as much as I can without giving away money or personal info and signing a daily sponsorship contract to get £200k per/day. Always pay a win bonus in the CL and a small incentive in difficult games for League and Cup - so will lose some in investment there.

    Who do you want to replace?

    Well I'm not looking to replace anyone. I have a few slow trainers but they are 4*Q with 54 points, so will star up in the next 7 games that they play and will last me the season I suspect. Will extend contract to re-sell at the 1st day of next season to get the best price, unless I get carried away.

    I am actually looking at my 5/6 really fast trainers and training them upto 5Q and then training them into SA this season. Will be using some of my green packs to achieve this as stockpiled for a little while but I want a few of my players to last 2-3 seasons.

    What are your goals for this season?

    1. Finish top 4 of the league
    2. Get a top scorer or top assist player
    3. Train at least 2 players into their SA
    4. Get past the Prelim. round of the cup
    5. If I get to the final of the CL, to actually win this time as I have reached it twice and lost marginally both times.
    6. Stockpile tokens again, so I get in excess if 100 for the end of the season.
    7. Don't pay a penny to achieve my goals. MONEY SPENT SO FAR = £0.
    Cat Harrison and Buffs Mad like this.

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