The gap between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese is a little wider.
English - Portuguese - Brazilian Portuguese
Sport - Desporto - Esporte
World Cup - Campeonato do Mundo - Copa do Mundo
Euro - Campeonato Europeu - Eurocopa
Cup Winners' Cup - Taça das Taças - Recopa
Grass - Relva - Grama
Pitch - Relvado - Gramado
Goal - Baliza - Gol
Goal!!! - Golo!!! - Gol!!!
Team - Equipa - Time
Squad - Plantel - Equipe
Team mate - Colega de equipa - Companheiro
Keeper - Guarda-redes - Goleiro
Corner - Canto - Escanteio
Fullback - Central - Zagueiro
Defensive MF - Trinco - Volante
Midfielder - Centrocampista - Meia
Wingback - Médio-Ala - Ala
Winger - Extremo - Winger
Striker - Ponta de lança - Centroavante
Goalscorer - Marcador - Artilheiro
Kick - Pontapé - Chute
Goalkick - Pontapé de baliza - Tiro de meta
Penalty kick - Grande penalidade/Penalty - Pênalti
Offside - Fora de jogo - Impedimento
Woodwork - Barra - Trave
Shirt - Equipamento - Camisa
Training - Treino - Entreinamento
Upgrade - Remodelação - Melhoramento
Quarterfinals - Quartos de final - Quartas de final
Ball boy - Apanha bolas - Gandula
Parking lot - Parque - Parqueamento
Mall - Centro Comercial - Shopping
Supporter - Adepto - Torcedor
Firm - Claque - Torcida
Application - Aplicação - Aplicativo
Season - Época - Temporada
Players in - Entradas - Jogadores no
Players out - Saídas - Jogadores fora
etc, etc, etc
The sentence construction is different as well.
Or even basic thingh as pronouns. For example, they speak in the third person
English - Portuguese - Brazilian Portuguese
Let me go with you to the bank -
Deixa-me ir contigo ao banco
Me deixa ir com você no banco
Do you still love me?
Tu ainda me amas?
Você ainda me ama?
Yes, I still love you.
Sim, eu ainda te amo
Sim, eu ainda amo você
We are familiar with Brazilian because of soap operas, but they need subtitles for our movies and series.
Many people in Portugal have no access to articles, book and app translations in Portuguese because since the 80's their government has developed a program to aggressively lobby for the supremacy of their dialect, claiming it's only an "accent", when in fact it is a fully different dialect, more distinct than Slovak from Czech.
Fore example, in Wikipedia, Brazilians can edit any article about Portugal but we are strictly limited of introducing European syntaxis in their arcticles. You add some info to a Brazilian artcile, soon it will be rephrased into PT-BR. A Brazilian does the same in an article about, say, a Portuguese player and you rephrase, in a few days you'll have an admin warning that you can not do that.
There was a debate a couple of years ago, because they changed the Euro' 2004 title to Eurocopa 2004 and they locked the article claiming that there were more Brazilian Portuguese speakers (180 millions) than European Portuguese (10 million in Portugal plus 30 million all over the world - North America, Africa, communities in France, Germany and UK, etc.).
EDIT: Right now they've opened a Portuguese Forum here and I see stuff like a section named "Vitrine de Times"... ??? I can barely figure what the hell is it.