Some seasons after this thread
I have another case this season.
I have a "friend", Sten with Freja, from 1-2 seasons ago.
This season we are playing together in the same league.
In the beginning he was somewhat neutral. No support.
But anyway he doesn’t watch many games.
Some days before, I saw he was supporting against me in a game.
A parenthesis here. The target for my team NIK, is to win the 8th treble and later the lv3 Treble achievement (10 trebles).
I started observing this issue happening lately .
A team that won previous season’s championship, next season will be in a higher lv CH.L. (not guarantee, still searching, but very possible). With those conditions, I cannot won the treble (or I must be very lucky or must spend a fortune). It’s not impossible, I did it once, but ...
This season my team disqualified from the CH.L. final 8, so no treble.
After that, I decided to go for the 2nd position in my league, so to be in an equal lv CH.L. next season.
I have won many leagues, CH.L. or cups so I don’t care much for another one (or at least, my target above, it’s the priority).
Then I started loosing games in purpose, to get the 2nd position of the league.
But I saw Sten supporting again in another game. So, the first one wasn’t a coincidence.
And many others …
I was pissed of with him and had the idea to drop my plan about 2nd position and go for the 1st place.
I could do that as I have easy games and goal difference.
But then I thought some quotes of Don Corleone, from “Godfather” .
“A friend always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults”
“Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.”
“It's not personal , it's strictly business.”
And finally
“Revenge is a dish that tastes best when served cold.”
I ‘m a guy who forgives but not forget.
So, I ‘ll give him the league, I cannot keep him as a friend, as he can “drug” me in a CH.L. +1 lv but who knows.
Maybe we ‘ll meet again (don’t know when, don’t know where but I know we ‘ll meet again).