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Thread: Some players have no honour Part II

  1. #1
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    Some players have no honour Part II

    Some seasons after this thread

    I have another case this season.
    I have a "friend", Sten with Freja, from 1-2 seasons ago.
    This season we are playing together in the same league.
    In the beginning he was somewhat neutral. No support.
    But anyway he doesn’t watch many games.
    Some days before, I saw he was supporting against me in a game.
    Some players have no honour Part II-support-vs-sten-1-7-8.jpg

    A parenthesis here. The target for my team NIK, is to win the 8th treble and later the lv3 Treble achievement (10 trebles).

    I started observing this issue happening lately .
    A team that won previous season’s championship, next season will be in a higher lv CH.L. (not guarantee, still searching, but very possible). With those conditions, I cannot won the treble (or I must be very lucky or must spend a fortune). It’s not impossible, I did it once, but ...

    This season my team disqualified from the CH.L. final 8, so no treble.
    After that, I decided to go for the 2nd position in my league, so to be in an equal lv CH.L. next season.
    I have won many leagues, CH.L. or cups so I don’t care much for another one (or at least, my target above, it’s the priority).
    Then I started loosing games in purpose, to get the 2nd position of the league.
    Some players have no honour Part II-league-d18-24.jpg

    But I saw Sten supporting again in another game. So, the first one wasn’t a coincidence.
    And many others …
    Some players have no honour Part II-support-vs-sten-2-16-8.jpg

    Some players have no honour Part II-support-vs-sten-2-17-8-2.jpg

    Some players have no honour Part II-suport-vs-sten-18-8.jpg

    I was pissed of with him and had the idea to drop my plan about 2nd position and go for the 1st place.
    I could do that as I have easy games and goal difference.

    But then I thought some quotes of Don Corleone, from “Godfather” .

    “A friend always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults”
    “Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.”
    “It's not personal , it's strictly business.”

    And finally
    “Revenge is a dish that tastes best when served cold.”

    I ‘m a guy who forgives but not forget.
    So, I ‘ll give him the league, I cannot keep him as a friend, as he can “drug” me in a CH.L. +1 lv but who knows.

    Maybe we ‘ll meet again (don’t know when, don’t know where but I know we ‘ll meet again).
    Al Svanberg likes this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Stuff that! I'd want to win everything every season. He'd have been unfriended a long time ago for me.. As for harder levels, I'd want to test myself against more difficult opponents.

    KFC Loella.
    Level 33
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    3 Champions League,
    1 Cup.
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  3. #3
    I immediately remove any friend that supports against me if he is friends with both me and my opponent then at least have the decency to not support any of us

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    I remember when the old friendly system was affecting the condition of both teams xD ...these "friends" that when I had set the formation did friendlies just 15 minutes before the CL semifinals against me using their sub's to waste ma condition LOL


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post

    I remember when the old friendly system was affecting the condition of both teams xD ...these "friends" that when I had set the formation did friendlies just 15 minutes before the CL semifinals against me using their sub's to waste ma condition LOL

    I've been down that road too.

    Lost many games that way
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    well...i have a team in my league for 3 or 4 season.... i always won him.... and even in the CL this season, i also won him...
    but he is a very good helper in my league ....cause there are two other strong team ( also 7 or 8 star).... they almost win all the game (I won one and draw one with this two team in the first round)....they are my biggest emery to win the league.... but that team.... he won those two team in a road for the first round LOL~ I try to add him as a friend, sending him daily gift.... (because he is such a good helper XD ) but in the past 3 or 4 season, he never reply my friend request... (i keep the request for 48 hrs and then i drop it....) he doesn't want to be my friend.... (and well.... he also support my opposite team in my game.... but i don't mind that LOL at least he killed the other two strong team LOL).... this season.... because of his help.... I am sure i will finish at least 2nd.... (i am leading the 3rd 7 pt and only 2 game left) i lead the 2nd for 5 pt..... my last two match is against the 2nd.... and the 3rd place .... but i have lots of goal different, except i lost both game.... i think i still can win the title~
    nikolgiorgos likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Uppsala, Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by Ahlony Wong View Post
    well...i have a team in my league for 3 or 4 season.... i always won him.... and even in the CL this season, i also won him...
    but he is a very good helper in my league ....cause there are two other strong team ( also 7 or 8 star).... they almost win all the game (I won one and draw one with this two team in the first round)....they are my biggest emery to win the league.... but that team.... he won those two team in a road for the first round LOL~ I try to add him as a friend, sending him daily gift.... (because he is such a good helper XD ) but in the past 3 or 4 season, he never reply my friend request... (i keep the request for 48 hrs and then i drop it....) he doesn't want to be my friend.... (and well.... he also support my opposite team in my game.... but i don't mind that LOL at least he killed the other two strong team LOL).... this season.... because of his help.... I am sure i will finish at least 2nd.... (i am leading the 3rd 7 pt and only 2 game left) i lead the 2nd for 5 pt..... my last two match is against the 2nd.... and the 3rd place .... but i have lots of goal different, except i lost both game.... i think i still can win the title~
    Haha, I have a simular story. I have become friend of this guy that is a brilliant tactician and very active in TE. He watches all my games and all of his games, and he does very well.

    BUT, he has not at all understood the fast trainer/farming rest pack thing -- so he has like a 75-80% team. He like buys and sells players every other day to make it work, but his team does not improve. Because we are friends, we end up in the same competitions and I always beat him because I have a good 30% on him. I don't think he has lost a game in two seasons besides the one against my accounts, in the last Cup he had several major upsets against players with 1-2 levels on him before I got him in the QFs. It just don't feel right, he is obviously a better tactician than me because despite my 30+% advantage and army of friends always giving me 15% in ball possesssion, he still always keeps all games close. I have cancled him as a friend now to get away from him and will try to look him up and become friends again when next season starts...

    Since he hasn't understood the fast trainer/nordgen thing, I also fear that he thinks that I am a huuuuuuuugggggeeee token spender lol since my teams are so much better than his. Haha it just irks me the whole situation.

    Niko- You made the right call. Together we can all make the world a better place!
    Last edited by Al Svanberg; 08-19-2016 at 10:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    I used to have this problem …it was usually with German players

  9. #9
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    He'd have been unfriended a long time ago for me
    I immediately remove any friend that supports against me
    here is another quote from "The Godfather".

    "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer"
    So, if you realize that the other guy isn't your "friend" anymore, better to keep him in your list so to have a better picture/info for his team.
    To see if and when he has Cup or CH.L. games, what time, which players he used, what was the result.
    If unfriend him, you loose those info

    - I wouldn't have any problem if he "unfriended" me in the beginning of the season and support against
    It's annoying but can't harm my team.

    - I 'm surprised that he didn't suspect anything cause in my games it's obvious that I 'm loosing on purpose (from my formation and the low q players I used).
    Also I was present on those games, it wasn't by mistake, a forgotten set up.

    - I 'm surprised that he believes the 2% his supporting against, could affect the result of those games.
    btw I had at least 10-20 supporters and the 15% was secure.

    - I 'm surprised that he is doing this, playing this game after two years and with his age.
    I left on purpose the photo and didn't edit it as usually do.
    ok it's from a distance so you can't see details , just to have an idea about his age.
    He isn't a kid, he has kids and the same age as me (but I have hairs and I look younger - lol).
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 08-20-2016 at 04:05 PM.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  10. #10
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    I don't want to be mean, rude or offend you, but I really wanted to say this here. So, don't take it the wrong way; I just want to say the following to make you see some things.

    When I talked about people tricking the Cup draw (including you), you said the game is not a sportsmanship one. Another thing you said or someone else said: it is a strategy. In other words, you and some others defended a bad thing because you and them did it too. But then, what is the problem with someone else (intentionally or unintentionally) supported against you? It can be said that this is a strategy too or that the game is not a sportsmanship one.

    What if all those victims of your Cup draw manipulations and other manipulations or of others or of their other unfair ways like using other accounts to support against a team start opening threads similar to this one, post pictures of you and others in the process and say similar things that you have said above. It is even more annoying for those victims that faced teams significantly stronger because the managers of those teams manipulated the draws. You are complaining about something that has no significant effect when you yourself have been doing unfair things that have much more effect.

    All this comes to one thing that I said: some people will never realise what is bad in what they do until they become the victims of those things themselves, and even then, some people will not realise.

    Now, coming to the subject itself, I was never a fan of unfair things. But, you cannot say for sure what he did there was intentional. He might have been friends with the other managers involved too, and he clicked on the other side instead of yours. Some people also don't know that they can watch a match without supporting any of the two sides involved. Also, everyone can make mistakes, it is not a matter of age. If it was intentional, then this was bad from him, but he might have seen it more other way, that is, it is more of strategy for him.
    Last edited by Tactician; 08-20-2016 at 03:08 PM.
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