I just have to add that as player consideer that, the old version, that had a max. of +20Quality differance as max. between the Defense-Attack-Phis&Ment blocks was ok, thats a 80% max diffrance, rarely see some skills in a level of 12 stars, now IMO theres a point of descompensation, and the AvQ% Lies, because is a % of all the skills that can be not very compensated so, as player, I think that was OK before....
And well, talking of cheating, I dont think in this case like in other cases in what one can abuse, now we have some skills that are shown as important, a new training system to increase te skills we want... so really, is more a change of perspective in the way to develop players, that in my case for example, that had a system to develop players based in train speed till 9* 1st, now need to be calibrated cause theres no limit and to create the same effect that creatd the 9* speed now I need probably a 250% or 300% speed s 16* ... so all is adapt and calibrate the own strategy training system to the changes.... "despite, I liked more the old system limited"...