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5.6 is a radical shift, and perhaps it's more the unveiling of it than the implementation that is the problem.
-The auction feature change is unrecognizable from prior system, this could have been explained more thoroughly before the roll out. We had, at best, a teaser screenshot of partial stars, a more information-forward campaign leading to the update would have better prepared us.
- The timing of the roll out...2 updates in 1 season, and any update coming on Cup Finals day (or FA weekend, or last league day). Everyone other than Nord would have expected some issues to rise up. Nordeus screwed with many results yesterday, and the tactics bug was unmissable, the log in errors numerous. No excuses, this update should not have been pushed at that time.
-Despite the intention to act on manager feedback, this update seems out of touch with the player base, and the overwhelming negative response speaks to that. I notice many of the very, very slim minority of positive responses on FB also attached (weak) suggestions, eg "this great update nordeus, now u must fix the players losing a 20% star every season." Bottom line, Nordeus is the game designer, not the players; it's one thing to acknowledge our suggestions, but it's solely on Nord when an implementation leads to such strong backlash. Nobody suggested dropping this like any ol' update, doing so is out of touch with how day to day players can be expected to perceive such drastic mechanics changes.
-tl;dr - the response crystal clear, 5.6 is poorly received. The fact that we are so quick to jump indicates the problem is the roll out and prefacing, few were in a mindset to even give the new content a chance. Connection/relationship between Nordeus and players suffers needlessly. These are as serious of issues as would be a majorly buggy update, hope Nord treats as such; updates should not risk losing a % of player base, I think this has.