I have been playing this game for 4 years now. I really like the game as it is easy to play and you get a sense of control. It looks like a real football manager, BUT............................................... .... it is a very false sense of control. This has to be the game with the least ingame depth ever, which is tragic as this could be a great strategic game. The following simple questions should finally be answered by Nordeus if possible:

1) How much influence does morale have?
2) How much influence does stamina have?
3) How much influence does a special ability have?
4) How much do statistics mean for a player? As in if my shooting is 300% will he score more? If the defender has 300% block does that cancel the 300% shooting?
5) Does formation matter?
6) How can you increase shot efficiency?
7) Are there hidden factors in players? Some players appear to be very good, while others of the same quality suck. Why is that?
8) How much does win bonus do?
9) How much influence do red and blue arrows have? And how do they affect playing style?

I can come up with a lot of different other questions (feel free to add) but we need more info on the game. Even though I am winning 1-3 prizes every season I have no feeling of control. Is everything scripted? As long as we don't get basic information on the game there is no telling. Who agrees with this?