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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: An Open Letter to Nordeus

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Playing almost 7 years now...since September 2010.

    And the feature really want back is the average rating of each player.
    May be the history of player is not a bad idea

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  2. #42
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    Hi jeeves

    What you (and many others) have suggested basically, deletes the Captain role as a whole. Why? Because it just turns him in to a glorified-toggle/button that you use to chose who takes the Training Gift every day. Not to mention that it's also fiddly to do instead of there being an actual button/list at the Gift menu. You have to go in to your Squad, turn the pitch over, go to Captain, select a player wait for next day, and if you want to distribute the point equally among several players you'll have to do this needless backtracking over and over and over again just to achieve something that could otherwise be done with a flick of the finger.
    I don't get it.
    Captain's role is cosmetic so there isn't anything to delete.
    I believe we 're upgrading his role as we usually set as Captain the older, a legend or the star players of our team. So this extra s.p. will help to keep him in a litlle more higher quality or an extra season in a long term.
    I don't believe that there is a manager who doens't prefer the s.p. goes in a specific player (or maybe 1-2 more, but not random).
    So it's not only the negotiations problem but it's something positive too.

    Not to mention that the possibility of a butterfly effect to occur is always there...
    yes but I suppose that this is under every suggestion or change we have or want.

    Maybe the captain "should allow" unlock a 14% max bonus for the line he's playing in?... then maybe regarding the SP "this can go, not to the captain but lets say that we have a team that play defensive so, "we choose a defense as captain" to have stability there and potentiate the defensive game, also, the free SP can go, maybe not to the captain but to a player that plays in the same area (DEF+gk- MC's -AT)
    but this is much more complicate and vulnerable to butterfly effect

    too using beta testers before launch things etc
    that's a good idea but how can it work ?
    We had some kind of beta testing about the refund of tokens, most people didn't like it, finally they launched this update in the market and now 90% of the managers are frustrated with this new auctions style.

  3. #43
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Stop allowing daily skill point bonuses to bump up players at negotiation level. Make them immune to the random bonus. I'm not holding them at that level purposely to be ruined by a 4% chance.

    I've changed my team building strategy because of the new system. I now look for young, mulitpositional 4*s and then train their balls off with packs. I've prolonged my usual tanking cycle because I couldn't load up on strong 5* youth like I normally do at the start of the season. I don't mind this as adaptation is fun and essential but as a inconsistent token buyer I feel that the game is forcing me to choose between a larger cash investment or more time investment to develop a lethal squad.
    Last edited by HoofDaddy; 07-11-2017 at 09:13 AM.
    wesamzak likes this.
    Renamed to Bolton Wanderers Season 27.
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    The Hoof is the Proof.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Agree 100%!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabez Teh View Post

    i want 1 thing: please bring back viewing videos for tokens
    Was the removal ever communicated?

    I wouldn't mind it as much if they had only infomed us about that. It's a pretty sneaky way to operate. This change was visible, but I wonder how many changes have been done over the years without giving players any notice/information, and that have gone unnoticed.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Great post

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  7. #47
    Apprentice Niddhoeggr's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by goldsilvy View Post
    Was the removal ever communicated?

    I wouldn't mind it as much if they had only infomed us about that. It's a pretty sneaky way to operate. This change was visible, but I wonder how many changes have been done over the years without giving players any notice/information, and that have gone unnoticed.
    I don't think the feature to watch videos to gain tokens was removed because of Nordeus. I did read some comments here a few weeks ago in the forum from some people who had criticized that there are no more videos available but I did have the option to watch them back then and even for 1-2 more weeks. I guess the providers can't offer more ads at this moment or the pool of players has increased significantly and the videos are more scarse. Other than that I got only a few weeks ago approximately 15 boosters a day (while other players here in the forum were reporting that they got suddenly a lot less) through watching ads and these last days it went down to 3-10. Additionally the offers for gaining some tokens trough playing/installing apps went also down. I think that the demand is at the moment "too high". But let us see what the next weeks will bring.


  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    well written and 100% agreed i would like to address another issue . I disagree with the fact to end up in cl and cup vs 20-25% better teams from higher tiers (levels) which is impossible to win a tournament except an odd win . Last year I won both league and cl 2nd in the cup this season I can predict the winner from both cup and cl (1 tier higher manage with all 7-8 star players ). Am I getting punished by NORDEUS for winning too many trophies ???????

    We all keep forgetting NORDEUS game developers don't read this forum sadly its a waste of time
    As a 31 level manager I asked NORDEUS to delete my account I got enough from all their bull****

  9. #49
    Newbie ChelseaJohn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Great letter, was just shared on our Facebook group. Thank you for speaking out for many of us here.

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